32: DONE

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"Take a seat." Is the way Jack greets him, and Salem takes his time making his way over to the counter alongside his father. He takes a seat as far away as he possibly can, watching the man put away some paperwork. He's not sure how he feels about the fact that Jack's undivided attention is about to be on him.

"Why did you steal my car?" Salem asks, watching his tone of voice so he can't be read as well. It proves to not be of much use, since Jack makes it clear that this conversation won't have much to do with him pretty early on. Well, not entirely.

"So I'd know who you were with."

Sometimes Salem forgets how smart his father is. Honestly, he probably knew Salem was with Atlas, anyway. Yeah, this sucks, Salem hates proving people right. Well, he hates proving Jack right... usually it's not a good thing.

"Atlas." Salem answers, as if it isn't already obvious. Jack finally turns fully to look him in the eyes, having finished putting everything away. Salem's nerves increase, and he hates it. He hates feeling so on edge around his father, the person he used to be closest to. It's crazy how much a lack of trust affects things. Salem knows that first hand. "Happy? Can I go now?"

"No," Jack says, a hint of irritation leaking into his voice. This is unsurprising, Salem's never disrespectful like this. It can't be a fun adjustment. "Now I need to know why Atlas just dropped my son off at my house, wearing his clothes, carrying a Di Angelo branded pocket knife."

Okay, Salem probably should've put that in his pocket, his father is way too observant for his own good. He clears his throat, averting his eyes. What is he even supposed to say to that? "It's a long story. Nothing bad."

"Nothing bad." Jack repeats, unimpressed. Salem shifts around a bit. Okay, he probably could've worded that better. "Any involvement with that family ends bad. When are you going to start listening to me?"

Salem's replying before he can filter himself, a mistake he's made far too many times. "When is my happiness going to matter to you?"

"Don't." Jack says, voice deeper. Yeah, Salem probably shouldn't have said that. He knows his mental state matters quite a bit to this man, he's probably lost years off his life over it. "You don't need a felon with no future to be happy."

Yeah I do.

Salem averts his eyes to glare at the floor, since the alternative would be looking at Jack. He mentally forces himself not to defend Atlas, for once in his fucking life. It's not like he'll ever be able to change Jack's mind, nope, the man is too stubborn. His distain for Atlas is so resolute, there's nothing Salem can do at this point. The animosity runs deep.

"I told you I'd cut contact by graduation." Salem attempts to persuade, a new objective setting in: getting the hell away from this conversation. There's too much risk here, the two are walking on eggshells. It won't take much to set the other off. There's a reason Jack hadn't questioned him beyond Atlas.

Salem has no intention of cutting contact with Atlas, ever. It's not like Jack needs to know that, though. Whatever helps him sleep at night.

"Do you promise?" Jack asks, raising an eyebrow. Salem is getting the sense that they both want this conversation to end ASAP. Honestly, Jack had probably been dreading this just as much as Salem.


"Alright." Jack finally says, and it's debatable whether he actually trusts Salem's words right now. Judging by how well he knows his son, that's doubtful. "I'm going to hold you to that."

Salem purses his lips, and he knows that there will be an eventual outcome to this. One day, he will see what comes of this promise, of this conversation, of all the arguments. There will be a resolution, at some point, of he and Atlas. As of right now, it doesn't look promising.

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