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There's smut just skip to the - y'all know the drill


"Even." Atlas repeats, continuing to stare at Salem like he's a piece of meat. Salem's plan was to make this about Atlas, but the look in his eye has him second guessing that. Atlas always loved turning Salem into a mess, and that's what it looks like he wants to do right now.

"Y-Yeah," Salem stammers, feeling distracted. Atlas moves one of his knees up, so it puts some pressure over Salem's dick, which is also painfully hard. He whimpers, legs closing and looking down at the action. Atlas doesn't take his knee away, just continues rubbing, until Salem's brain feels scrambled.

"You made me cum," Salem says, face turning even more red when he says it aloud. Something flashes in Atlas' eyes, clearly enjoying Salem trying to explain himself. He's also most likely reminiscing about the instance Salem is talking about. "S-So I want... I want to— to make us even, oh my god."

Salem almost moans that last part, having a really difficult time focusing on speech when Atlas is making him feel like that. Seriously, Salem? It's his knee. Get ahold of yourself.

"How so?" Atlas asks, enjoying the sight of Salem squirming and aroused and warm underneath him. Salem just stares up into his eyes, only one thing coming to mind. He really misses the way Atlas tastes.

"I wanna suck you—your... dick." Salem stutters, trying not to feel embarrassed. Atlas studies his face for a moment, before reaching an arm underneath Salem and lifting him up against himself, then switching their positions. Salem is now on top, and he begins to feel nervous. Oh no, it's been a long time since he gave head. Seriously, he hasn't done it since he and Atlas were together. What if he messes up?

Atlas doesn't say anything, just watches him, and Salem's entire body feels like it's on fire. He's definitely blushing from head to toe. It feels strange to take charge, since Atlas has always been so insanely dominant, but whatever. Salem will just do his best.

Salem stares at Atlas' face for a moment longer, feeling so goddamn nervous, before moving down his body. He eventually situates himself between his legs, and pulls Atlas' boxers over his obvious erection. Salem is unsurprisingly met with the sight of his dick. Wow, he has not been down here in a long time. It's exactly as he remembers it, just as fucking big, and Salem starts to regret his decision not to have sex. Oh god, he wants Atlas to fuck him so bad.

Whatever, it's fine. They have time for that later. Atlas has made it clear that he will not be showing any mercy when the time comes, so Salem shouldn't do it today, anyway. He'd like to be able to walk at work, thanks. Today needs to be about Atlas.

Salem doesn't even know where to start, it's just been way too long, so he decides to procrastinate. He licks his hand, then wraps it around Atlas' erection, palm and fingers encircling it at the tightness that Salem is pretty sure he remembers being ideal. He refuses to make eye contact, wondering why this feels like the first time. Why is he shy? He and Atlas have done so much more than this, but it's been several years.

Salem just strokes it for a moment, feeling kind of entranced. His hand goes up and down, trying to figure out how he wants to go about this. He must take too long, though this may be in part because Atlas is just not a patient person when it comes to this. Or, well, most things. Either way, not much time goes by before Salem feels himself being grabbed by the jaw.

Atlas is now sitting up, legs still spread and one knee slightly bent. He holds Salem up by the jaw so they're face to face. Salem feels so flustered and nervous and embarrassed, he doesn't even know what to do. He just stares at Atlas, eyes wide.

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