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The actual graduation ceremony doesn't take a long time, due to the fact that their class isn't big. Again, the drop out rate is pretty high.

When Salem's name is called, he hears cheering from his friend's families, but nothing familiar in the way he wants it to be. Nothing that sounds like Jack.

Once it's over, Zona finds Salem immediately. They set out to locate their families together, though they're really only looking for two people. Zona's parents couldn't make it due to work, which is why she's not in as great of a mood as she would usually be in. Still, her sister is here, and she finds Zona pretty quick. The two are hugging immediately, while Salem goes back to scanning the crowd for his father.

Jack is pretty tall, probably the same height as Atlas, so Salem figured this would be a lot easier. Jack should stand out. However, as he keeps watching all the families reuniting, he can't find him anywhere. He feels Zona's sister hug him as well, and he absentmindedly returns it, but he's hardly paying attention. What, is Jack in the bathroom?

Salem visits with Cam and Milo's families as well, and once that's over, it's the last straw. Salem 100% should've found Jack by now. Where the hell is he? Could he have forgotten? No, there's no way, he was so excited earlier! Well, excited for him. Salem thought Jack was proud of him, thought he'd be here.

Jack took every precaution, too. He was telling Salem about all the stuff he had to do to ensure he had this day free of plans. They were going to get food after. They were going to celebrate. Salem was looking forward to finally having time with his father, the guy's been so busy since he became chief.

Once the field starts emptying out, Jack's absence becomes more prevalent. As soon as Salem starts getting questioned about where his own family is, he decides to take his leave. He doesn't like giving up, but he doesn't see many other options here. The longer he stays, the more upset he becomes. He needs to go.

Salem says his hasty goodbyes, before making a beeline to his car. The parking lot is half empty, and he pulls out of it with ease. He's happy he doesn't have to deal with a lot of traffic, because it probably would've thrown him over the edge. He's not exactly in the best headspace right now.

Salem turns up the music as much as he can comfortably stand, checking the time to find that it's going on nine. The sun is setting but it's not quite dark yet, and Salem's focusing on not getting emotional. Well, okay, he's mostly trying not to cry. Come on Salem, you don't know the full story! Maybe he had a good reason.

That's the thing, though. Jack has hardly been able to make it to any of Salem's school events, growing up. He was just too busy all the time. Amina helped when she was alive, but since then... well, Salem hasn't gotten much parental support. It's why his father's presence at graduation was so important to both of them. Well... Salem thought so, at least.

Jack probably doesn't have a very good reason. It most likely has something to do with work, which really doesn't mean shit to Salem. Jack said he'd be there, he gave Salem his word. It's unlike him to break it, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't... Salem has lost a bit of faith. Maybe it's due to his pessimism and hellbrain, but he's really having a hard time seeing any bright side here.

Salem sighs, turning his music up even louder. He doesn't even know the songs, having it set on a radio, but that doesn't matter. He just doesn't want to be left alone with his thoughts, wants to fill the silence with something. Come on, Salem, Jack loves you. Even though he skipped your graduation, he must've just gotten caught up with something.

What, though? What could've been so important? Jack took every fucking precaution! He must not care, or maybe he's disappointed for some reason.

Salem sniffles, feeling irritated with himself when his vision gets a little blurry. He wipes at his face, trying to erase the evidence, and is thankfully able to put his inevitable emotions off, at least for a while.

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