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Before Salem knows it, spring break comes.

A full two weeks out of school, left to his own devices. He can't remember a single time he or his dad went on an actual vacation during this time. Usually he spends it in stress, studying for exams which are in a month. Typically he gets talked into helping out with a few Cam stunts as well, and he spends the rest of the time either asleep or at work.

This time, he has something new to worry about. The project.

In the time leading up to spring break, he and Atlas hadn't really talked about it. This is mostly because neither of them had come up with any ideas. Salem feels irritated because he just wants to get this over with. However, for the life of him, he can't come up with a single damn idea. Hearts and handcuffs are basically the only thing coming to mind.

Still, Salem decides, fuck it. He and Atlas need to meet up again. He's sick of trying to come up with this on his own, he wants some actual effort from his partner.

Unfortunately, due to the fact that they're on spring break, Salem has to do something he hasn't done in a long time. He has to call Atlas.

Which brings us to now. It's the third day of spring break and Salem has hardly left his room. He's been too busy stressing about the project and Remi and a billion other things, some of which he shouldn't even be stressed about. Salem is sitting on his bed, staring down at Atlas' contact, and feeling conflicted.

Salem can't be blamed for his hesitation, okay? In his defense, Atlas isn't exactly the nicest or most punctual person, when it comes to answering his phone. Also, what if he has Salem blocked? Okay, he probably doesn't since he called Salem only a few months prior, but still. Salem is nervous.

Eventually, he bites the bullet. He takes a deep breath and finally presses the phone icon by Atlas' contact. He holds his breath as it rings through, but freezes at what happens.

It goes straight to voicemail.

Salem frowns, actually feeling surprised. He's not sure what he expected, but it wasn't that. Does Atlas actually have him blocked? Or is his phone just off?

Salem takes a few minutes to gather the courage, but does end up pressing the call button again. Again, it goes right to voicemail. He feels frustrated, so he makes a few more attempts before giving up.

Seconds after quitting, ready to just throw his phone to the other side of the bed and forget about it, he feels a vibration. He's really expecting it to be Atlas, for some reason. Maybe the guy is calling him back? Maybe he will have a valid excuse? Maybe he will tell Salem that he shouldn't care? Maybe Salem shouldn't care.

It's not Atlas, and when he spots the name that's actually there, he wishes it was.

"Hello?" He answers finally.

"Salem." Catrine's voice comes through, sounding discontent with something. Salem can already tell this won't be a fun phone call. "It's been a while since we spoke."

If said in a lighter tone, Salem wouldn't have suspected any double meaning to those words. However, it's clear to him that she's hinting at something. Perhaps the fact that he's made almost no progress and honestly hasn't even been trying to gather intel.

Salem can't think of anything to say to that, so he just replies, "yeah."

"Well, I'm calling to check on the investigation. I'm sure you've made some progress in the last couple weeks."

Salem grimaces, and he briefly contemplates pretending to lose connection. He does not want to deal with this conversation, with telling Catrine that he's found nothing. It's even worse because he'd be lying.

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