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Unfortunately, Salem has no idea how to get said help.

Atlas is basically a last resort, and Salem doesn't really have a way to contact him right now anyway. He probably changed his number, and even then, Salem isn't sure he still remembers his old one. Okay, he definitely does, and it's literally on Rocky's collar, but still—he needs to look elsewhere for help. He doesn't need Atlas! Atlas is part of the problem!

It crosses his mind that he could request Natalia to look after Ruby for now, but he really doesn't want to ask that of her. She already has to deal with the hurricane that is Stella and Adrian. Salem doesn't want to dump even more responsibility on her. Seriously, those twins are a full time job.

Sadly, Salem doesn't really have any other options. At least he has three days to figure it out, but to be honest, that is still not ideal.

Two days go by of Salem having no fucking idea what to do. He has no way to contact anybody that would help him, Zona is so far away, Ruby's parents aren't an option, and there really isn't anyone else that he can think of. He starts to consider Donovan, but he doesn't want to risk burdening the guy. Knowing Donovan, he'd be too nice to say no, even if he didn't want to.

Also, Salem is basically the only person Ruby trusts, aside from probably her sister, Natalia, and the possibly twins. All of which are out of the question. Even then, Salem doesn't think Ruby would ever agree to leave him. He would not want to put her through the mental anguish of another abandonment. Salem seriously has no clue how to handle this. He's almost ready to give in and do what the lady told him to, not seeing another way out.

That is, until he comes home late one night.

It had been another long day at work, and Salem texted Ruby not to wait up for him. There was a huge drug bust, one so massive he was there until after midnight. By the time he was home, he was ready to pass out. However, he was also hungry, so he went directly to the kitchen as soon as he got home.

Salem is instantly greeted by Rocky, who runs up to him and starts sniffing Salem's legs. Salem lets him do so, and pets him, taking note that the dog is really excited. Salem wonders why he's so happy. It does strike him as strange that Rocky isn't in Ruby's room. Ever since she moved in, he's spent every night in there with her. He's very protective of that girl, so it's weird for him to not be with her.

Especially after last incident. Luckily Rocky was fine, Salem took him to the vet and it turns out the guy knocked him out. Salem is just glad there wasn't any skin breakage, but according to Ruby and the vet, Band kicked the dog and slammed him into the wall so he'd stop attacking. He still did his fair share of damage.

This only makes it even weirder that he's... running?

"Rocky? What are you doing out here?" Salem asks the dog, who goes back to trying to jump on him. Salem deflects, wondering why he's so hyper, especially after his injury. Perhaps that's why he's not with Ruby, maybe he had too much energy and she kicked him out. The only reasoning for this that Salem can think of is that Ruby forgot to walk him. Typically if he needs to go for a walk, though, he will literally bring you his leash. He's not doing that.

When Salem actually starts toward the kitchen, Rocky is still running circles around him. Salem thinks it's funny, putting all this things on the counter. Salem can't hide his amusement, laughing a bit, when he talks again. "Why are you so crazy?"

Rocky doesn't answer him. Instead, he sprints into the other room. Salem rolls his eyes, shaking his head as he starts to situate his things. Once he's done unpacking, which doesn't take too long, he decides he should make himself some food.

If he's feeding himself, he needs to feed the animals, though. He tries to do that first, because if he doesn't then Rocky will beg. Also, sometimes Mars will make an absolute racket in her cage on purpose. That's mostly when she hasn't been let out in a while, though, not necessarily when she's hungry.

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