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Salem is taking this friendship thing seriously.

See, here's the thing about he and Atlas' friendship: there was always tension. Obviously Salem knew he was bisexual at the time, so it became clear to him pretty quickly that he felt more than platonic feelings for the guy. He's not sure about Atlas' side, but he knows that he was a mess.

The horrible craving, the insatiable desire to be near him. Salem never felt that with anyone else, let alone a friend. He knew it was different.

Since their conversation, it has become very clear to him that he can't do this. He and Atlas never had a normal friendship, even before they were romantically involved. He can't go back to something he never had, he doesn't know the limitations. It's not like he can treat Atlas like he does Cam or Milo or even Zona. Everything is so different with him.

Salem's not sure how seriously Atlas is even taking this whole friendship agreement, but he knows it's stressing him out. He just so... unsure about everything.

It's driving him crazy. Granted, he's been doing a shitty job of taking his medicine lately, so he's already a little unstable. However, this is about to actually drive him off the deep end. He just can't stop thinking about it.

That's not even the only thing, though. He and Atlas' conversation over the weekend was rushed and incomplete, and Salem knows it. They have far more to talk about, but speaking with Atlas about things is not easy. Salem needs to question him, needs to know some deeper reasoning behind everything Atlas has done the past few years.

Why did he stay with Salem so long? How can he actually expect Salem to move on? Is he going to move on? Why can't they take the risk? It doesn't sound as dire and urgent anymore, it seems like these dangerous people are being too generalized. Why can't they just try again?!

Salem is currently sitting in his room, on his floor, covered in clay. He's hardly answered his phone all day, too busy trying to get this shit done, once and for all. He's been so focused, and he's made a lot of progress. It's Wednesday, so if he finishes it tonight he can take it to the art room and have her fire it. Then they can glaze it, fire it again, and be done! It'll be cutting it close, but he thinks he can make it work.

Salem's been lost in thought throughout this entire process, and it's all due to Atlas. He just has so many questions. It's at around 7 o'clock when an idea strikes him.

Wait a second. They're friends.

Friends call each other! They don't even need a reason! They can call just to chat! They need to talk about the project anyway, and these realizations are what have him reaching into his pocket and pulling out his phone, getting dried pieces of clay everywhere.

Salem calls him without hesitation, and he grins when Atlas picks up on the second ring. It's been a while since he called Atlas and was actually met with an answer, so this is refreshing.


"So, I was thinking." Salem starts out, and he hears some shuffling on the other side. It sounds like Atlas is relocating to a quieter area, if the fading noise is anything to go by. "We need to set some rules or something."

"What are you talking about?"

"The friendship thing." Salem says like it's obvious, because it should be. What else would he be talking about? It's all he's thought about for days.

There's a silence on the other line, possibly due to Atlas thinking about what Salem said. Salem waits patiently, continuing to work on their sculpture. He's completely filthy, he will definitely need to wash these clothes when he's done.

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