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Atlas got out that morning, and pretty much went home immediately. It wasn't long before he was being called into a meeting by Sykes, and it didn't surprise him at all. Sykes may be an annoying, corrupt piece of shit, but he cared about his business. No doubt he'd have questions, and he may be able to put two and two together. Salem coming around and then Burnhouse getting raided might not slip under his radar.

"What do you want?" Atlas greeted anyway, despite the fact he already had a pretty good idea. Sykes was seated at his unreasonably large desk in the middle of his unreasonably large office with an unreasonable amount of people standing guard. Sykes stared at Atlas in disapproval. Atlas wished he cared.

"An explanation." Sykes responded simply. Atlas just stood in the center of the room and stared at him blankly until he continued. "For why the police are suddenly up my ass."

God, this guy was so fucking annoying. He never failed to piss Atlas off to no end. When the day eventually came that Atlas didn't need him anymore, this guy was screwed. "Probably 'cause you commit crimes."

Sykes narrowed his eyes. Atlas didn't feel even a little bit threatened. After a moment, Sykes was taking out a photograph and sliding it towards the edge of his desk, closest to Atlas. It didn't take Atlas long to recognize it as a still of security cam footage, the subject obviously Salem.

"I've had the same clientele for years, then this boy shows up, and I'm being raided. He was seen giving a statement."

Ugh, don't remind Atlas. The last thing he wanted to think about was Ellis talking to Salem and touching him and absolutely trying to get under Atlas' skin, which was exactly what happened after they got caught. During the instance Sykes was referring to.

Atlas was really starting to hate that fucking guy.

"What, do you think he's a cop or something?"

Sykes blinked at him. "Yes."

Atlas couldn't help the way he was looking at him. Seriously? Salem was so obviously not even fucking old enough for that. Sykes really was so goddamn stupid, and he always had been. The only reason Burnhouse was even operational was the employees. Sykes never had any clue what he was doing, the employees taught him everything.

"If you think I'm working with the police," Atlas told him truthfully, expression one of distaste, "you need your fucking head examined."

"That's not what I'm saying," Sykes said, appearing surprised that Atlas would jump to that conclusion. He didn't think it was particularly obscure, though. "I was notifying you. Be careful."

Okay, that made more sense. He wasn't accusing Atlas, he was trying to warn him. Atlas thought that Salem was probably involved in something police related, it just made too much sense with the way he was acting, but Atlas wasn't worried. Right before they got raided, Salem was upset. He and Atlas were in a heated back-and-forth, and he let something slip.

I wish I wasn't as loyal to you as I am.

Yeah. Atlas wasn't worried. He was for a minute, but not anymore. Salem would never betray him.

Atlas didn't end up having to get a new phone. Remi got him one. Atlas left Sykes' place in the very early hours of the morning, then went straight home. His next few days consisted of doing nothing important, due to it being spring break. Burnhouse closed down for awhile, and Remi and Luca were MIA, so he decided to just be lazy.

This was very enjoyable, because he couldn't remember the last time he had time to do absolutely nothing, guilt free. He spent most of his time at home and at the gym, trying not to think about anything. He mostly succeeded.

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