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Salem always had decent grades growing up. School is basically the only thing he's ever tried to succeed at, since he's not a very caring or competitive person naturally. It's the only thing Jack had ever asked of him, really. Jack barely had him to do any chores or work or anything of the sort. All he wanted was good grades, and Salem tried to give him that.

He succeeded, too. He got straight A's most times, and never anything below a B. When he got with Atlas, his grades actually got better, due to the fact that they'd study together. It's probably the only part of their relationship that Jack approved of.

It was after they broke up, that it went downhill. Thankfully D's were still passing, at least at Salem's school, or he'd have failed out of nearly every class. The reason they dropped was because he went into a whole depression, feeling like his life was over and nothing mattered. So, he'd stopped trying.

Now that Salem is completely over Atlas, though, he's been able to focus more on school and his future. He's been studying more, trying to get grades that will make up for it. He takes it seriously, and that's why—when his father requested food after he got off school, yet again, he brought his schoolwork.

He is now sitting outside his father's office, in the little waiting room area. He's seated at a table and doing his homework, focusing on it as much as he can. He has an empty fast food bag next to him, one that's he's decided he will throw away when he takes a break.

He hasn't gotten to a stopping point yet, though, as he's been doing homework for about an hour and a half now. He's trying to study for a test and do his English homework at the same time. He tells himself it's working, even though his past attempts at the same thing have never had much success. Unfortunately, he is interrupted by Catrine.

"I have been told news." Is the way she greets him, taking a seat on top of the table and also half his homework. She has a grin on her face, and her hair up in a bun that's messy enough someone should probably have said something to her about dress code. Then again, her hair is really big and curly naturally, so maybe it's unavoidable.

Salem looks up at the sergeant, and already knows that this conversation will be long and pointless. Don't get him wrong, he loves Catrine—or, Sergeant C. D. Turner—however, she has a habit of being dramatic and a bit annoying. Still, Salem has known her since he was around twelve years old, so he deals with it.

"What news?" Salem asks, looking up at the woman. She seems way too excited for what the situation warrants, but that's pretty typical.

"I heard," she starts, pausing for suspense. Salem resists the urge to roll his eyes. "That you're becoming a cop."

Salem raises an eyebrow at her, confused. In a few years, maybe. "Huh? I'm eighteen."

She rolls her eyes. "Okay, not an actual cop. I heard you're going to help us with some cases. Maybe. Sometimes."

She says it like he should've somehow known what she meant without an explanation. He assumes she's referring to the whole Atlas situation, which means that Jordan may be going around and telling people about it. He immediately debunks the rumor. "My dad said no, so I'm not. I never confirmed that anyway."

Catrine frowns, dissatisfied. She has a history of exaggeration and dramatics, so Salem really shouldn't be surprised that the conclusion she jumped to was him becoming some sort of honorary cop.

"Okay, well let's just not tell him." She decides, before smiling at him like that's the best idea she's ever come up with. She's always struggled with insubordination, but lying to Salem's father? So he can participate in a case? Even that's pushing it.

"We can't lie," Salem replies, irritated that he even has to say so because it should be obvious. Lying to the chief about anything would have Catrine at risk of losing her job. He's pretty sure she's not serious, anyway. "He said no. I'm sorry."

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