29: STAY

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"Remington," Salem hisses, pure disbelief in his tone. Remi bursts into laughter, standing up to greet his brother. Salem just sits there in anticipation, unsure how to act right now. What is he even supposed to do? Should he run? Should he stay? Should he finally ask Atlas all the questions that have been plaguing him?

Salem watches Remi walk past him, and after a moment he finally gains the courage to look again. When he does, he finds the two of them speaking. It almost seems like an argument, but Remi doesn't appear to be taking it seriously enough for that. Then again, Salem gets the sense that he doesn't take anything seriously.

Atlas looks pissed, which again, isn't particularly out of the ordinary. He keeps glancing at Salem, looking deeply stressed. When the two accidentally make eye contact, Salem whips back around so he's facing forward. Immediately, he's interrogating Luca.

"Did Remi call him?!" Salem snaps, and it's a pointless question since he already knows the answer. Still, Luca shrugs.



"You're trashed," Luca replies, voice still devoid of emotion. Salem glares at him. "He's probably here to drive you home."

"I can't go home!" Salem stresses, internally trying to figure out how to get out of this. He comes up short, and pretty soon, the two walk up to the table.

"Heart." Atlas addresses, voice deep. Salem was ready to apologize and flee, then probably feel embarrassed and guilty about this whole ordeal tomorrow. However, the name causes a spark of irritation that he can't ignore. "Get up. We're leaving."

"Why?" Salem asks, not making eye contact and instead staring at the table, irritated. He's surprised when Remi actually comes to his defense.

"Yeah, you could join us for a while. They only closed like ten minutes ago." He says like that's a short amount of time, taking his previous seat. Salem feels instant guilt, and Atlas just narrows his eyes at the guy, who appears completely unfazed. Salem doesn't know how, he's always thought that Atlas' anger was a bit scary. Well; more like it makes him fear for other people. It's probably different for siblings, though. Salem wouldn't know, he never had any.

"No." Atlas says, and Salem can feel his gaze on him again. He still doesn't make eye contact. "Come on. I'm taking you home."

Yeah, turns out Luca was right. Too bad for Atlas, Salem isn't going anywhere. Well, okay, so he'll go to his car later, but he's absolutely not going home. Hell no. Atlas would have to literally force him to do so, and unless Salem's safety is in danger, Atlas has never been all that controlling.

Then again... Salem's safety could definitely be in danger. Damn.

"No thanks." He says, drinking his empty drink. Seriously, all that's left is like a half ounce of melted ice.


"Stop calling me that!" Salem snaps, finally turning to glare into Atlas' pretty hazel eyes. Atlas in turn glares back, and they're in a stare down for a moment.

"Why are you drinking?" Atlas asks after a moment, not breaking eye contact. Salem's expression harshens.

"None of your business."

"That's it." Atlas says, clearly at his limit. Before Salem knows it, he's out of the booth and Atlas is carrying him. Immediately, he's protesting.

"Put me down! Ugh, you make no fucking sense, you really need to make up your—"

"Shut up." Atlas interrupts, tone resolute. Salem snaps his mouth closed. Atlas turns to look at Remi, expression cold. He throws Salem over his shoulder and points across the restaurant at their server—well, she's technically the bartender.

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