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The guy that Salem will be impersonating is named Leonardo Barone. Evidently he is somewhat of a messenger, or at least one of them. He mostly just communicates and delivers things between Atlas and other employees, long distance. Sometimes through phone calls. Aside from that, he spends most of his time just doing whatever Atlas orders him to.

Salem doesn't actually see the guy, but he does see photos. They have similar skin tones, and they are similar sizes. However, Salem has a lot of goddamn freckles. Everywhere. Leo doesn't.

"This is going to rub off." Salem notifies Jordan as a girl continues getting Salem ready. She's the same girl from his first day in Street Crimes, who didn't know how to mind her business. Salem could be wrong, but he's pretty sure she's being rougher than necessary.

She's putting makeup on him, trying to cover his freckles. It's taking her a long time, and Salem thinks it's all pointless. Surely Atlas won't notice such a small thing! It's not like Salem will be showing much skin, anyway.

"No it won't," the girl replies, tone snippy. She does not look happy to be doing this. "Just sit still and shut up."

Salem rolls his eyes, and Jordan appears to find some kind of amusement in the situation, though he's trying to keep his expression neutral. Salem doesn't think this will work, anyway. "Even then, he will definitely recognize my voice."

"Leo wears a voice disguiser." Jordan notifies him. Salem can't help it when he gets another sinking feeling in his gut. Ugh, he really isn't allowed to have any hope, is he? He's over here praying Atlas will recognize him, but these people are just way too fucking good at this, apparently. Of course they don't know how to do their jobs when Jack, their Chief, gets murdered. However, now? Now that it doesn't benefit Salem? They're fucking experts.

They are currently in one of their undercover vehicles, a van, and there's someone driving them to a location, which Salem assumes will contain Atlas. They've been preparing for this all day, it's now almost 8 PM, when Leo is supposed to be going in to work.

They tried to get information out of Leo, things to help Salem, but apparently the guy just wouldn't talk. So, Salem is going into this kind of blind. He's going to have to go off of what everyone else does, and possibly work from the little knowledge he already has.

Catrine is back at the station, but she will still be listening to everything going on. Jordan and this girl are just going to be staking out in the car, waiting on him. Salem usually doesn't really wear his body cam, unless he is instructed to. He used to, but since he and Donny started talking about stuff better kept on the down low, they keep conveniently breaking or losing theirs. Although, they can't really do that anymore, now. Salem's sergeant said that if he breaks any more equipment then he is paying for it.

Anyway, today Salem will have to wear one. It's going to be small, so it's not easily noticeable. It also won't have camera quality as good. However, he's still going to have a camera and mic attached to him. Which Catrine and Jordan will be watching in real time.

He does not know what the fuck to do.

Eventually, they're coming to a stop. Jordan is pulling out a folder, before removing a photo. He holds it out to Salem, who looks at it begrudgingly, only to find that it's a picture of Maeve.

"This is Maeve Cassidy. We don't have much on her, but she works closely with Atlas. You will be meeting her, and you are supposed to bring this—"

Jordan gives Salem a bag, and Salem reluctantly takes it. He seriously does not want to do this. He is not seeing many situations where he wins.

"We don't know anything beyond that. Good luck."

Then, before Salem knows it, he's on the sidewalk of a street he's never seen before, and the van is gone. Fantastic.

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