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Salem sits in the middle of the large field, the rolling hills dotted with stone statues and plaques. He stares down at the gravestone in front of him, carved with his parent's names.

Salem brought flowers, a large assortment that cost way more than he thought it would. The graves were already decorated, Jack's more so than Amina's. He was widely regarded as a great man, and an amazing leader. His death was met with a lot of sorrow, even from people who never knew him personally. His grave likely hasn't gone barren since, especially with the recent news of Catrine's involvement.

"Hey, Dad." Salem says. He just arrived, and the trek here was honestly excruciating. He feels bad, because... "Mom. Sorry I haven't visited."

He hasn't. He couldn't bring himself to, not until he finally got justice. He didn't want to face his parents until he deemed himself worthy.

Even now, though... he still feels like a disappointment. He has news that they surely will not be happy to hear.

"I finally took care of Catrine," Salem notifies Jack, crisscrossing his legs and messing with a pebble. He feels his heart beat a bit faster when he catches sight of the ring on his finger. "We took care of everything, actually. Everyone knows the truth. Hopefully you can rest in peace, now."

Salem isn't too optimistic about that. He doubts Jack will be able to rest in peace, once Salem finally gets the nerve to tell him the most recent development.

"I have to tell you something," Salem says, pursing his lips and staring at his hands. God, he's so nervous. He can feel the guilt weighing him down, a sinking feeling in his gut. He really needs to just come out with it.

Here goes, "I'm getting married."

Atlas proposing went about as you'd expect.

They were in the middle of an argument. Salem can't even remember what it was about, all he knows is that Atlas did something to upset him, and he was pacing. He was losing his patience, and his feelings were hurt.

One minute Salem was facing away from him, tears in his eyes, overcome with frustration. Then he turned around, ready to go on a whole new rant, and Atlas was on one knee.

Salem completely froze, couldn't move if he wanted to. His bad mood instantly left his body, and when Atlas started talking, he actually said sweet things. He wasn't even an asshole about it, which Salem half expected.

Then, Salem was tearing up for a new reason.

"I know that you never approved of him." Salem continues, still messing with the grass. He can't look up, can't make eye contact with Jack's gravestone. It's sounds stupid, but it's true. He just knows his father would be disappointed in him. "But he makes me happy, and we've been through a lot together."

Jack and Atlas really never did get along. Atlas was involved in crime before he and Salem ever met. So, Jack knew him even before he started dating his son. He never liked him, never approved of him, but he also wanted Salem to be happy. So, he never stood in their way.

Somehow, that just makes Salem feel worse. The guilt eats away at him, sure that his father wouldn't approve of them even now.

Jack and Atlas remained cordial when they were around Salem, but they still never liked each other. Salem remembers the tension he could feel the one time he saw them interact without him. He can only imagine what it was like when he and Atlas were actually together.

At least Atlas was always respectful, but that didn't mean much. Being a murderer was basically unforgivable in Jack's eyes. He'd probably be disappointed in Salem over that, too.

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