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It may be purely to spite Jordan, but the following weekend, Salem decides to do some investigating of his own.

He's fully aware that it's a bad idea, but his curiosity will evidently be the death of him. Maybe he just wants to prove something to himself, maybe he's self destructive, who knows? Either way, he doesn't think about it. He doesn't think it through at all, on Saturday night, when he makes the decision to watch Atlas' boxing match.

Again, he knows he shouldn't. Atlas kept this part of his life hidden for a reason. However, Salem knows Atlas isn't the monster everyone acts like he is. Salem has spent a lot of time with the guy, even if it's been a while. He likes to think that he knows Atlas pretty well. If Atlas was so bad, if he caused so much destruction, if he ruined so many lives, surely Salem would've known? He'd at least have suspected something. Salem can't even imagine Atlas committing a semi-serious crime like robbing a bank, let alone murder.

Anyway, this thought process is what has him sliding into his car at 10:00 at night, then driving to the most dangerous part of town, because he's smart. He's fully aware that the downtown area of that district of Astren is not a good place for the chief's son to be, especially since there's a chance he may be recognized. Jack tries pretty hard to keep Salem out of the spotlight, since there are many people out there that would like to hurt him just because of who his father is. So, the chances are low yet ever present.

Salem decides he doesn't care. He's always been lacking in the self preservation department, anyway.

It's raining outside, so he has a beanie and a raincoat on, as well as a light jacket underneath. He gets cold easily, even though it's slowly getting warmer as they approach spring, the nights still get into the 30's.

Salem has to focus extra hard on driving, because rain makes him nervous and he's actually crashed due to it before. It wasn't serious, but he still tries to be careful. It's about twenty minutes before he arrives at the place, and he has his glasses on and his head covered in hopes of not being recognized. The only reason he wasn't this careful last time was because he didn't give a shit about his safety, he just wanted to talk to Atlas. Also, he was off meds, but he tries not to think about those instances.

Anyway, he's able to make it through security surprisingly easy. He does get a few strange looks, due to the fact that he does not fit in with this crowd by any means—basically he doesn't look rich, homeless, or like he's on drugs—still, he's able to reach the basement with almost no problems. Even the guard barely questions him this time, though that might also be because he doesn't look insane.

Most people surround the middle area, where the boxing ring is. They want to be up close to the action. Salem's going to take a pass on that one, though. He elects to stay towards the back, where they have this little bleacher set up. He feels like he's at an illegal football game.

Salem leans back against the wall, keeping his head down. He folds his legs against himself and just watches all the people, checking his phone for the time every once in a while. There's a fight going on right now, between two people Salem obviously doesn't recognize. He's trying not to pay attention to it, though, especially when he hears something snap. He winces, keeping his head down.

The fight doesn't last much longer, and one has to be carried out by a few people. He's basically being dragged on the ground, unconscious (hopefully). Salem frowns, feeling bad for him. He waits in anticipation for Atlas to come out, heart rate increasing with each passing second.

However, before this happens, Salem feels a presence beside him. He turns his head in curiosity, feeling confused as to who would want to sit next to him right now, especially when there's so much more room on the bleachers.

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