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Atlas' house is not what Salem expected.

Well, okay, he's not actually sure what he had in mind. Maybe some sort of dark, spooky castle? An underground lair? He sure wasn't expecting a nice, sleek, well-kept house that is not only on the smaller side, but also... normal. It doesn't look evil at all, which Salem was fully anticipating.

Of course, it still suits Atlas pretty well. It appears to be made out of stone and some sort of black concrete-type material, no siding. It looks really modern, all sharp and square-shaped and minimalist. It's aesthetically pleasing, but Salem would bet money that it's not comfortable. It doesn't even look lived-in, but that may be in part because Atlas isn't here. Thank god.

The area is secure, though, that's for sure. There are guards at every entrance to this neighborhood, and almost every house has a gate. Said houses are mostly spaced out, and there are cameras all over the place. There's not a doubt in Salem's mind that Ruby will be safe here.

Maeve escorts them inside. It's spacious and modern and clean, just like the exterior was. Most of the lighting is pretty low, the house relying on windows for the majority of its light. Maeve takes them upstairs.

Rocky and Mars were allowed to come with. Even if they weren't, Salem probably still would've taken them. Atlas doesn't scare him, and Salem is being forced into this against his will. He actually left his car back at the complex, Maeve brought them here in a company vehicle. So, Salem will have to go back for it at some point. Preferably soon, because he does not want to be dropped off at work by anybody involved with the Di Angelos. At least, not for long. People would catch on.

Ruby and Salem's bedrooms are right across from the other, each with its own bathroom. There's another door, which is probably a closet. At the end of the small hallway are a pair of double doors. Salem wonders if maybe that's... maybe it's his bedroom.

Maeve leaves after about an hour of helping them unpack and settle in. After she exits, Ruby lays down for a nap. This leaves Salem on his own in Atlas Di Angelo's house. Completely left to his own devices, he has no idea what to do. After a little while, Salem exits his bedroom. He wants to go to the store and pick up a few things they will need here. However, again, he has no car.

Wow. Salem really does not like being stranded like this. What is there to do? Maeve seemed in a hurry. She didn't show them around, just took them to their rooms. Salem doesn't know where anything is. That thought is what gives Salem the idea to explore.

Salem walks around the main floor, checking out the decor and impressive color coordination. He's positive that Atlas did not design this—there's no way. Atlas is not creative enough to make everything in his house tie together so perfectly. Maybe he lives with someone else? Maybe Salem was right about the girlfriend thing?

Surely not, right? Maeve seemed far too serious and professional to be in a relationship with her boss. Then again, it could be someone else...

There's an exercise room and a pool, as well as a medium sized kitchen. Salem finds one bathroom on the ground floor, as well as a laundry room. There's also a pretty nice living area, which is connected to the aforementioned kitchen.

The second floor is all bedrooms. Salem was right about the closet, and he thinks he was right about the double doors as well. Unfortunately he couldn't bring himself to open them, but whatever. It's not like he's scared or anything! He just doesn't feel like it right now.

Salem's exploration takes about thirty minutes, and then he's bored again. Sighing in irritation—though he has no idea what it's directed at—he decides to just go sit on the couch. It's stiff, which he already predicted. This place is not welcoming at all. He wouldn't expect anything less from Atlas.

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