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Salem remembers that day.

Salem remembers everything about that day.

It was cold, rainy, and overcast, and it had been for weeks. It was December, only a couple days before the new year. Salem and Atlas were both juniors, and had been dating for almost two years.

Jack wasn't home. He was at work, and Salem was enjoying a new video game he'd gotten for Christmas. He was also wearing a hoodie that Atlas got him for Christmas. There were Christmas decorations everywhere. No matter where he looked, Christmas bullshit. He hated that holiday for so long afterwards.

Atlas was coming over. He would be there any minute, and at that point he'd been a little distant as of late. Salem was unsure why, but had chalked it up to school stress since it was the end of the semester. It didn't occur to him that Atlas has never given a shit about his studies.

He and Atlas were probably going to play video games or have sex or something, at least that's what they usually did, and then go to lunch. That's what Salem was planning on anyway, but stopped short the second he saw Atlas' face.

Salem knew something was wrong immediately. Atlas never looked like that when he was around Salem. When the two were together, Atlas would smile and sometimes laugh, he'd joke around, he'd have fun. Sure, there were moments of anger and fighting, but it was rare. For the most part they enjoyed each other's company, and hardly fought—Atlas wasn't picky, and as long as Salem was happy, so was Atlas—so Salem knew something was off immediately. Atlas never looked like nothing.

For the first time in a long time, Salem couldn't read Atlas. At all.

"Hey," Salem said, tone unsure. "Are you okay?"

He couldn't resist checking, everything already feeling wrong. Atlas hadn't even spoken yet and Salem was getting nervous. He had the door wide open, but Atlas still hadn't entered. At this point, Salem was expecting bad news.

"Yes," Atlas said, still unmoving. Salem was growing more wary, having no idea how to act around Atlas when he was being so... unlike himself. "I think we should talk about us."

Salem frowned, heart rate picking up. He wanted to talk about them? What did he mean? Did Salem forget about some plans they had or something? Oh shit, wait, wait—maybe he's coming clean about something? Maybe Salem was finally going to get some answers! Holy shit, did Atlas finally want to introduce Salem to his family?

"Uh, okay," Salem said, trying and failing not to get his hopes up. "Come on."

Salem lead Atlas inside, then up to his bedroom by reflex. He went and sat on his bed, settling in and getting comfortable. He was expecting Atlas to join him, feeling confused when Atlas didn't even sit down. He just stood in the middle of the room, jaw set. Salem was starting to question his earlier positive assumptions, the look on Atlas' face was that off-putting.

"So what's up?" Salem finally broke the silence, and even he could hear the nerves in his voice. Yeah, Atlas was starting to really worry him. Did he have bad news? Oh no, what if he was going to prison?!

"I've been thinking." Atlas had started, and Salem tilted his head a bit, not breaking eye contact. Atlas was always very good at that, at looking people in the eye when he's speaking to them. It's why Salem felt confused when Atlas averted his gaze.

Atlas didn't continue, so Salem prompted him. "About...?"

"I've been thinking," Atlas repeated, sounding more sure of himself this time. He still wasn't looking at Salem, eyes set heavily on the wall. Or maybe the dresser. Or the window. Salem couldn't really tell, he wasn't wearing his glasses. He was also still learning how to put in his contacts, so he avoided it due to the pain. Maybe it's a good thing Atlas was maintaining distance, because otherwise Salem would've hardly been able to even see his face.

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