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"Huh?" Salem asks, frowning. Nothing about Atlas changes.

"I said it's my turn."

Salem still doesn't understand. It's his turn? Like, he wants to ask questions now? About what, exactly? Salem has never been a secretive person, has always tried to be as honest with Atlas as he could. The confusion is obvious in his voice when he replies, "okay...?"

"Why can't I deal with Catrine?" Atlas asks, staring at Salem in expectation. Salem realizes that yesterday must've really pissed him off. He likely isn't exactly a fan of her trying to turn Salem against him. She's also just generally really fucked up both of their lives, including their relationship. This is warranted.

"She's the chief." Salem says. "If she dies, she'll get Jack's funeral. I need to expose her first."

Atlas appears troubled. He's so used to solving all his problems with violence, he can't really comprehend thinking logically. He can't understand getting revenge in a way that isn't bodily harm.

"The only ways we could do that," Atlas says, "are through her computer, her house, or her sister. None of those are guaranteed, either."

Salem frowns, contemplating this. It appears as though Atlas has actually put some thought into it, which is something Salem appreciates. The only downside is that Salem was really hoping to do it in internal affairs. Again, though, he doesn't think that's going to happen. Yeah, maybe he should start actually thinking about a different way to expose her.

Getting into her computer is a stretch. Salem isn't the best with technology, and he isn't sure where he would even start. Her house also sounds way too risky. Especially after Atlas basically threatened her, Salem's sure she will be more careful.

So... her sister? The lady that was talking to Salem when he got kidnapped? The one on the stool? She's the leader of an entire criminal organization, so won't she be hard to reach? Then again, so is Catrine.

This is beginning to look more and more impossible by the minute.

"I just want..." Salem sighs, running a hand through his hair. "I just want justice. She killed my dad, Atlas."

"I know," Atlas replies, and his voice is softer. "But it's gonna take time."

Against his will, flashbacks start playing like a movie in Salem's head. Thinking about all the moments, all the times he and his father spent together over the years. How Salem wishes he could get it back, wishes he could change so much.

Jack teaching him how to drive, how to mow the lawn. Going out and doing stuff together, how Salem would sometimes turn down his offers to run errands and such. He wishes he could undo it all now, wishes he'd have spent every moment he possibly could with that guy. Wishes he could take back every argument, every minor disagreement.

Salem wishes he could have his dad back, but he can't. It's over. He's gone.

All that's left to do is take care of Catrine.

"He deserved better." Salem says, staring at the floor. His voice sounds broken, and he leans forward. He rests his face in his hands, body shaking a bit with the emotion. He tries so hard not to think about it, because every time he does, he just makes himself so upset.

Atlas agrees, "he did."

Salem can tell he means it. Even if Atlas and Jack never got along, Atlas always respected him. He knew Jack was a good man.

Salem wants to prove that Catrine killed him, he wants everyone to know what a piece of fucking shit she is. However, there are a lot of smaller things he could expose her for that would take away her badge. Proving her involvement with Black Cross, for one, would surely do it. Then, he could work from there. It would probably be a lot easier to get the more intricate things after that.

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