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It's after Salem gets off work, Sunday night, when he's met with another confrontation. Leaned against Salem's Camaro is yet another Di Angelo brother, one Salem can recognize all too well.

This is a bit more expected than Remi ambushing him at the cafe, however. Salem expected a talk with Atlas soon. It's most likely about the rumor, and Salem is not looking forward to it. He was hoping Atlas wouldn't acknowledge it, treat it like what it is. A ploy for attention and views. A lie.

The coworker Salem had been walking with quickly says her goodbyes, she also goes to his school so she's probably well aware of Atlas' reputation. Salem isn't surprised at her hasty exit.

Salem grows closer to his car, steps a bit more hesitant now. Atlas doesn't look at him until he's much closer. There is no discernible expression on his face, at least not one Salem can pinpoint, but he's clearly not happy.

"...Hello." Salem greets, unsure what to do. Atlas' gaze narrows further on him. Salem spots his motorcycle a space away, helmet resting on the seat. Salem has many questions, but he's mostly wondering what this is about and how Atlas knew he'd be here. Sure, Atlas knows where he works, but still. Salem's schedule is not always consistent.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" Is what Atlas finally greets him with. Salem immediately feels stress and embarrassment flood his body. Oh, he definitely heard about the rumor. He's probably mad or irritated or something. Shit, and just when the two of them were starting to (kind of) get along! At least, Atlas wasn't being as harsh as usual. Oh, Salem's gonna kill Cam.

"Okay, yeah, I know-I'm sorry, I think it was Mercedes? Because she saw you give me a ride and she's already mad at me anyway so I think she told Cam we're back together? I don't know, but he didn't even check with me first and Zona called me yesterday-"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Atlas interrupts, giving Salem an almost confused look. He also still looks irritated, but it's not as strong as it was before.

"You know, Cam's page?" Salem attempts to explain, though he's still not making much sense. Atlas looks fed up.

"I don't care if people think we're back together. Why would you agree to this?" Atlas replies impatiently, looking at Salem like he's stupid. Honestly, that makes more sense, and it probably should've been his first conclusion. Atlas has never given a shit what anybody thinks of him.

"You don't care?" Salem is ignoring the last part of Atlas' sentence, not wanting to talk about that. Atlas stares at him like he's wasting their time.

"As long as your dad knows the truth."

Okay, yeah, that's an understandable concern. Good thing he does. On another note, Salem kind of forgot about the deal he made with Remi. Well, he didn't forget, but he hasn't thought about it as much as he typically would.

"He does." Salem says absentmindedly, trying to figure out how to get out of this. He can't let Atlas in on his plan, but there's no way that the guy would believe that Salem's switched sides. That he's suddenly plotting against his own father. Atlas knows him better than that.

It seems like his only option, though.

"What were you thinking?"

Salem pauses, feeling nervous at Atlas' impatience. Okay, he needs to convince Atlas that he's on their side. Somehow. "I don't know, I'm just, like... evil now. Or something."

Atlas stares at him for a long moment, and Salem can't tell what he's thinking. He looking at Salem likes he's from another planet. Or, like he's speaking a different language.

"You're evil now." He states blandly. Salem tries to read him.

Salem sounds so fucking stupid. Oh well. "Yeah. You know the grinch? Like how his heart grew? Well I'm the opposite, I mean, my heart shrank. I want to, uh, commit crimes now and stuff."

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