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The next day, Salem informs Atlas of the fact that Zona can drive him. They make plans to go there right after school, and Salem hates how excited he is about it. Even on the way there, sitting passenger in Zona's truck, he can hardly focus on conversation.

He thinks she's talking about some sort of math test they have coming up, because they have the same teacher, just different periods, but he can't be sure. All he can think about is the fact that he's about to spend the next hour or so with Atlas. Shopping. It's so... domestic, to shop with someone. Salem can hardly contain his happiness.

"Do you have someone to take you home?" Zona asks after a moment. Salem glances over at her in confusion, before what she said really processes. Shit! That's right, she said she couldn't take him home, which probably has something to do with her sister's Friday basketball games. Salem forgot to set up a ride home, but it's fine. He can figure something out, that's a problem for future Salem.

"Yeah." He lies, mostly out of fear that if he doesn't she'll just take him home right now. Zona gives him a quizzical look before averting her gaze to the road. They arrive at the craft store a few minutes later, and he sits in her truck as he waits for Atlas to arrive.

"I want you to call me when you're home." She tells him, and he just nods, fidgeting. He hardly talked to Atlas today, except to plan the project more during art. They still haven't made much progress, though.

Salem hears Atlas' motorcycle before he sees it pull into a spot, hardly within viewing range but still there. He takes a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. Come on, Salem, this is necessary. The project is like a quarter of your grade. Also, you need to investigate him. You might be able to find an in. Possibly an excuse to spend more time with him—for the investigation! Obviously.

Salem says bye to Zona, then hops out of her truck. Atlas is in the process of taking off his helmet and fixing his hair. Salem walks right up to him, not even bothering with a greeting. "We should probably figure out what we're doing before we get supplies."

Atlas must've heard him coming or something, because he doesn't even glance up. He doesn't seem surprised at all at Salem's sudden appearance, looking up once he's finished situating everything. "Why? Wouldn't it be easier to come up with ideas once we have everything we need?"

Salem frowns, and he realizes that they're now walking towards the building. He takes note that Zona is still sitting there, and he doesn't feel surprised that she was waiting on him to meet up with Atlas. No doubt she's glaring at the guy, probably feeling disappointed.

"Well how will we know what we need if we don't even know what we're making?"

There's a silence, and Salem glances over and up at him. He appears indifferent to the situation. "Do you not want to do this?"

That's not really what Salem meant, and he decides that maybe he should just go with Atlas' idea. He's just happy that the guy is finally giving the project some effort, so maybe he shouldn't be so critical. "I guess we can at least look around."

Atlas doesn't answer, and they walk through the front doors. Salem used to be really into art, back when he was around 13 or 14. He's always been interested, which is why he signed up for all the classes in high school. He was never all that interested in sculpting, though. He preferred painting and doodling on his papers, though obviously the latter was never an assignment.

Still, upon entrance, Salem can't help but to be hit with a sense of nostalgia. He used to come here all the time, and he's always loved the aesthetic of art supplies. He can't help the childlike wonder he feels immediately, a smile taking over his face. This has to be the best day he's had in a while, he gets an excuse to buy art supplies while spending time with someone... someone he doesn't spend a lot of time with.

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