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Cam slams his tray of food down on the library table, eyes wide in excitement and a grin on his face. Salem had previously been studying for exams with Zona, and food isn't even allowed in the library. Milo trails behind him.

Their lunch period is really the only time that the two can study together this week, due to their work schedules. Therefore, they'd each been skipping lunch. Salem doesn't care that much, since he has snacks in his bag that he can just eat during his classes, though he usually ends up sharing half of it. He needs Zona's help with English, so these are risks he's willing to take.

Cam seems to not give a shit about both the library rules or the fact that they're busy, though. "Salem, I need you to film again."

Salem raises an eyebrow, already skeptical about this. "Film what?"

Cam and Milo take seats in the other two chairs at the table, and Cam leans forward when he answers. Like this is important. To him, it is. "Okay, alright, the truck-car-jump did really well, so we are going to stack two cars this time and do the exact same thing. You did a good job filming last time so I want you to do it again."

Salem already knows his answer to this is no. After last time? After how disappointed Jack was, and not to mention his injuries? His giant cut is already scarring, and it doesn't look like it'll fade any time soon. "No way."

Cam seems like he expected that, since he immediately begins persuading. "Come on, Salem! You're basically the reason it got so popular. What if I pay you? Or give you a percent of the revenue? Or—"

Cam continues, and Salem tunes him out when a thought occurs to him. Last time, Salem got really injured, and Atlas called him. So maybe if Salem does it again, Atlas will contact him again. That seems likely, honestly Salem doesn't think he'd even have to get injured. Just the fact that Salem is doing dangerous shit again could be enough. Though it's a small chance, it's a chance nonetheless. Despite the fact that both the reasoning behind the decision and the decision itself are deeply unwise, he changes his mind. "Okay. I'll do it."

Cam raises his eyebrows, and it doesn't seem like he actually expected Salem to end up giving in. Zona is immediately protesting, but Salem doesn't pay attention to a word she's saying.



They don't do it at the grocery store this time. They need heavy machinery in order to stack the cars, so instead the stunt will be taking place at one of Milo's parent's construction sites. Salem is unsure if they know about what their son is doing, but he's going to lean towards no.

It is almost the exact same setup as it was last time, except this time Salem's platform is in front of the cars. As in, he's right next to the first ramp. This is to keep last time's incident from happening again, though Salem doesn't know how he feels about there being absolutely nothing to brace him from impact if something goes wrong on the first ramp.

Salem really isn't as worried about that as he should be, though. His primary focus right now is living up to his camera work from last time. He can't disappoint, and he refuses to let Cam and Milo down.

"So Milo made sure that first ramp would hold up, but you need to duck in time. As long as you move at the right time, everything should run smoothly and there should be no injuries." Cam notifies Salem. Salem would like more of an explanation on how exactly Cam is so confident about that, since there are plenty of things that could go wrong even if he ducks correctly. Still, he just nods in agreement.

Salem walks over and takes a seat on the new platform, sitting back on his heels and going through Cam's phone as he waits for everything to start. He's not even sorry about it, he just generally likes going through phones. Specifically Cam's. It's interesting, and he's bored.

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