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"You will not be investigating anything." Jack says, voice final. Salem is trying not to feel irritated. He likes to make his own decisions, and he feels like his father's impatience is not warranted. "Any cases with Atlas Marino are none of your concern. Even if you were on the force, your personal relations would exempt you from participating to begin with."

"Well, he didn't really say that he was investigating Atlas, mostly just his family. I told him I never met his family, but he still thinks I could be useful." Salem tries to persuade. He thought about it, and had decided that he would help Jordan. However, his father vetoed the decision immediately on the grounds that Salem isn't a cop.

Salem supposes that it's somewhat of a valid concern. However, he thinks he should be allowed to help anyway. It's quite literally the entire reason he was asked to. He is ignoring the fact that there is only one reason that he wants to assist in this. He doesn't think it's a good motive, but he really wants to learn more about Atlas.

For his own health, he probably shouldn't, though. He should stay away from Atlas, maybe try to move on for real this time.

Still... he really wants to help Jordan.

"I'm not risking your safety for a case." Jack replies, growing impatient. "You don't understand how serious getting involved in the Astren underground is. It can swallow you if you're not careful."

"Atlas is not dangerous." Salem defends, frustrated. Despite their relationship now, he's positive that the guy would never harm him. There aren't many things that Salem is sure of, but that is one.

However, something about Jack's reaction to Salem's words doesn't sit right with him. The man looks unsure, frowning slightly. Salem is confused, because sure Atlas is strong and could be dangerous if he wanted to. Sure, he can be a bit scary if you catch him at the right time, but still. Atlas? Dangerous?

No way. "He at least isn't dangerous to me."

"It's not Atlas that I'm worried about." Jack sighs, exasperated. They're currently in the living room, and at this point they both have stood up. The tension is only growing. "There are things you don't need to know about that boy, or his family. You will stay out of it."

Okay, how the hell does this man expect Salem to stay out of it when he says shit like that? Now Salem is more curious than ever. Stuff Salem doesn't need to know? About someone he was romantically involved with for years?

Sure, Atlas had his secrets, but Salem thought he knew the guy pretty well anyway. It had always appeared to be small things. Well, mostly. There were instances where he would just completely disappear for hours, even days at a time, and Salem couldn't track him. He couldn't contact him, period. He would just be gone.

Salem just assumed that he was dealing with... criminal business, or whatever you call it. The whole underground boxing situation that Atlas is a part of can be quite demanding of his time, which is one of the few things Atlas confided in Salem about. Atlas gets paid decent money from it, though, because he's good. He's always had an obsession with winning at everything, more than a little competitive, and it becomes obvious when he fights.

Salem tried questioning Atlas every once in a while, but eventually just gave up. Atlas is quite talented at dodging questions and coming up with plausible lies. He also got irritated every time Salem asked for details or showed any doubt about his truthfulness.

The secrecy eventually lead to a complete lack of trust between the two. Of course, when you lose trust in a relationship, it's only a matter of time before the whole thing falls through. It wasn't the entire cause—honestly, Salem still doesn't know Atlas' complete reasoning—but it had a lot to do with it.

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