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When Salem enters his apartment, Rocky is there to greet him. Natalia gave the dog to Salem when... his owner stopped coming around. She said Rocky was strangely attached to him, anyway. He also still has the mouse, which somehow hasn't died, and was recently named Mars by the third and final life form that also lives with him.

"Salem, is that you?"

This is a new development.

Well, not necessarily new, but definitely recent.

Zona went off to college, years ago. She's studying for a degree in biomedical engineering, and she's on a full ride academic scholarship. Zona was basically always the golden child of her family, she didn't get turned down by a single college she applied to. She's very smart and will no doubt be quite successful in the future.

Still, despite this, her parents never cared all that much. Zona has opened up to Salem about it on multiple occasions, how she's never even heard an I'm proud of you after all her hard work.

Her sister, Ruby, is a different story. She never excelled in much and wasn't into extracurricular activities, aside from basketball, which her parents disproved of. She hardly put effort into her grades, and even when she did, wasn't met with much success. She was almost held back multiple times, but it seems like the school was always talked out of it. Most likely by Zona.

Their parents already weren't impressed with Zona, despite the girl being a prodigy, so one can only imagine the home life Ruby had. That's what happens when people who don't want kids have kids, Salem supposes. Neither were wanted, something that was obvious in the way they treated their children. This is why Salem wasn't surprised at the news he received when he got a call a month ago.

"What's up?" Salem answered. The list of people he can actually be himself around is short, but it includes Zona.

"Salem, please, please, I need—what are you doing? I need your help."

Salem frowned, and he wasn't doing anything. She'd actually caught him on a rare day off work, he hadn't left the couch since that morning. He was prepared (and excited) to spend the day doing absolutely nothing. Zona took priority over his precious free time, though, especially when she sounded so panicked.

"What is it? I'm home."

"They—Salem, I can't believe them. I can't believe they'd do this." Zona was on the verge of tears. She was states away, probably buried under a pile of schoolwork, and Salem got the sense that something serious happened. It's the only reason she'd sound so helpless. At this point, he was already on his way to his vehicle.

"What happened?"

"They kicked her out." Zona said, and at those words she actually started crying. "She's fifteen, I'm a thousand miles away, and they kicked Ruby out of the house."

"Where is she?" Salem asked, and Zona gave him her sister's location. She was at her school. Salem was immediately on his way there, unwilling to let his best friend spend any more time in this condition if he could help it.

"Okay, I'm heading that way." Salem notified her, immediately met with tearful thank you's. "She can stay with me."

"Thank you, Salem, I'll help pay for anything you need and I'll come back as soon as I can and try to sort it out. I really appreciate—"

"Hey, Zona, don't worry about it." Salem reassured as he merged onto a frontage road. "Focus on school. I got Ruby."

"Thank you. I owe you one."

"No you don't." Salem said, shaking his head at the girl and all her stressing. Granted, she had good reason, but still. Salem couldn't imagine a situation where he wouldn't be willing to help. "Why did they kick her out, anyway?"

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