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Turned out, not long.

Only a couple months went by before Atlas was scrolling through his feed, in the basement of Burnhouse, waiting for his fight to start. He had about ten minutes, so he was just trying to kill time. This was when he stumbled across a video posted by Cam the day before.

Atlas froze, because the preview was a still of Salem and Mercedes, Mercedes looking pissed off and Salem confused. Atlas was immediately turning the volume on his phone all the way up.

"Sorry, babe," Salem's voice rang out through the device, "didn't want to miss your story."

Mercedes didn't appear to believe that for a second. Atlas had no idea what the hell they were talking about, but it must've been pretty stupid for Salem to be looking at her like that.

"That is definitely not it. You were distracted the whole time—probably staring at Mrs. Peterson. That's right! I know you have a crush on her."

Atlas raised an eyebrow. What?

Salem was looking at her the exact same way Atlas was looking at his screen in that moment. "My English teacher? She's married."

"Wow," Mercedes said, only seeming to grow more and more upset. "Is that seriously the only reason you aren't interested in her? Ugh! I should have fucking known, she's pregnant, and now it's pretty damn obvious that it's because of you-"

Atlas really couldn't help his surprise. She must be crazier than Salem, which is quite a feat. Salem accused Atlas of some pretty stupid things when he was manic, but nothing that outlandish.

"I didn't get Mrs. Peterson pregnant," Salem said with a sigh. Atlas didn't understand how he was keeping a straight face. Atlas would've walked away at that point. Then again, Salem had always been far too patient.

"Yes you did!" Mercedes objected. "Why would I believe that? Can you prove it to me?"

Then, Salem said something that had Atlas freezing. If this video didn't have his full attention before, it sure did at that point. "Because I've never had sex with a woman."

Salem shoved his hands in his pockets after that, looking like he wanted to escape. Atlas couldn't help his surprise. This was probably the last way he should've taken that, but he found himself happy that Salem and Mercedes didn't get very far. It was a stupid thing to focus on or worry about, since he was clearly never interested in her, but still. It was a relief.

"How do I even know that for sure?" Mercedes asked, still glaring at him. Atlas could confirm, though. Salem only ever got that far with— "Oh my god, are you talking about your ex again? Are you actually bringing him up now? Ugh, you're so not over him. I seriously should've seen this coming. He's like, all you ever talk about-"

"He's not all I ever talk about," Salem disagreed, face beginning to flush, something Atlas could tell even through the shakiness of the camera.

"Yes he is! It's always Atlas this, Atlas that. You know he's gotten arrested, right? By your dad?"

Okay, that was fair.

"I know, why are you-"

"Also! Don't think I've forgotten about the time I saw you two talking in the hallway, and you were all happy, and you wouldn't shut up about him the rest of the day-"

Oh shit, is she talking about that time at the beginning of the year? When Atlas questioned Salem about their relationship in the hallway?They pretty much just argued, though. Salem talked about it? He was happy? No way, Atlas couldn't believe it.

"Mercedes," Salem interrupted Mercedes again, tone pleading. He then moved her hand from its previous spot against his face. She'd pressed her finger over his mouth to shut him up at some point.

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