one: jason has amnesia, piper is worried, leo is goofy, and i am awkward

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i had hoped my day would be normal. it was the least i could have, like any other 15-year-old girl.

evidently, i had asked for too much.

to start, my roommate at the wilderness school- also my best friend, piper mclean- awoke me this morning by flailing because a roach fell in her hair, and thus, sending the roach onto my face. this resulted in my flailing and banging my head on to top bunk, which gave me a gnarly bruise but subsequently killed the roach.

which, in turn, meant i now had roach juices on me. and yes- it happened to be carrying an egg sac.

already disgusted with myself, i ran to the communal bathrooms and showers, threw up to further my disgust, and hastily showered away my sin. it was maybe the fourth forehead wash when piper took the shower next to me and also began washing herself.

neither of us said a word as we wrapped into our towels, changed, and went back to our rooms to prepare for our field trip to the grand canyon.

then, as we filed on to the bus, leo valdez snuck up behind me and yanked my black jacket to get my attention.

"oi! hands off!" i grumbled, though i yawned on the last word due to a lack of sleep.

"dude! your eyes are black!" leo exclaimed as he pointed to the dark bags under my eyes. "did you even sleep?"

the answer, as usual, was no. unless you counted falling asleep at sunrise and awaking maybe an hour or two later sleep.

i yawned again as we clambered onto the bus. piper sat next to her boyfriend, jason, and i desperately looked for somewhere else to sit.

i found a vacant seat behind piper. i sat down, but before i could span my leg across the two-seater to block access like i usually did, leo sat down.

"so, what'ya been up to, babe?" he smirked as he pointed very lame finger guns at me.

i was slightly confused. after all, being a less-than-social (total hermit) teenager, i didn't really have friends. piper was only my friend because we literally live together. not that she isn't a lovely person, but it's pretty easy for me to simply decide not to approach anybody.

i knew that piper's life revolved around jason, her boyfriend, and leo, their friend. but, i had never really interacted with them. sure, we'd shared some friendly words in the past, but we'd never actually talked.

so, for leo to be cringey with me was a bit of a shock. rather than say something smart like the intellectual i am, i simply slung an arm around his shoulders.

"nothin' much. how 'bout you, cutie?" i smirked.

his face went beat red, and piper, standing up to watch as, suddenly erupted into laughter, making me cackle alongside her as i pulled away from leo.

"what do you do next?" piper giggled.

leo looked on, stumped. "i dunno. i've never gotten that far."

piper and i laughed more, which led to leo himself managing a gentle chuckle. i turned to him, and stuck out a hand.

"aruna rodrigo." i said as i stared at leo. evidently, weaks of sleep deprivation had affected me because an average aruna-day meant ignoring everyone.

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