twenty-three: i become a badass

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a wolf flew at me. my amarite, milky blade phased right through it, its snout approaching me rapidly.

i look at my weapons and grinned.

i flipped the left one upside down, so the blade part was pointed towards me. i uppercutted the wolf with the silver handle, listening at the satisfied crunch and yelp. its skin steamed as i launched it twenty feet away, and it struggled to get up.

piper split into her own battle with the earthborn. she smiled dazzlingly, her inner beauty radiating throughout the battlefield that even i thought i might have had a crush on her. the earthborn stopped and stared in awe, and immediately regretted it as she slashed through them with her dagger.

jason had tamed a storm spirit, and began charging through everyone, his demeanor valiant- the demeanor a leader should have. he charged through pools of monsters, annihlating them with his icy plank.

leo himself had taken on the snow goddess. she kept spawning ice daggers, wintry air blasts, and snowy tornadoes, but leo literally burned through all of them with a manic grin. his whole body danced with red and orange flames as he advanced on khione, using two silver-tipped ball-peen hammers to smash any monsters that got in his way.

i made a note to stop staring as i focused on my own fight.

leo's hammers were silver, but they were still too small for all the wolves. jason didn't even have a proper weapon, and piper's bronze only worked on earthborn and storm spirits.

i forced my fear down my throat and charged at the wolves. they seemed to be scattered all over the place, pining for jason, piper, and leo in equal parts. i had to run seemingly everywhere as my blades cracked down on them, eliciting steam and whines. a few of my hits managed to be in vital areas, bringing down wolves left and right. even the ones that didn't die backed away to lick their wounds, terrified of the silver.

as we got further into the fighting, i began feeling like leo was the only reason we were still alive. his fiery aura was little heating up the entire battlefield, countering khione perfectly.

she began looking slightly shocked as leo advanced on her.

"runa, go!" jason yelled at me as i cracked the skull of another wolf. i ran with terrifying speed towards leo and khione. she seemed to ignore my presence- what was a shrimpy fifteen-year-old girl going to do to a goddess?

she immediately regretted that. she choked as i appeared behind her seemingly out of nowhere. she turned her head to the side, barely seeing me out of her peripheral vision.

i grunted as i hooked one of my blades into her side, where her pancreas should be. she shrieked as leo got closer faster than every before, his body heating everything up.

"you're too late!" she screamed. "he's awake! and don't think you've won anything either!"

leo set his hammers on fire, bringing them up to slam down on her.

"hera's plan will never work!" she struggled against me as i held her in place. golden blood pooled around my blade. "you'll be at each other's throats before you can ever stop us."

leo's hammers were perhaps two inches away from her skull before she turned into snow- a white, powedery image of her. leo's hammers slammed down, breaking it into a steaming pile of mush.

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