seventy-one: YOU PAGAN WHORES

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jason was asking a whole lot of questions, and leo wasn't a huge fan of it. jason was walking a little ways behind them, with leo and aruna still clinging to each other, sharing the comical lolipop.

"you guys have to be dating! i'm literally right! your expression says it all!"

leo and aruna had not replied to him even one time, and jason believed he had it all figured out.

"i knew you guys had been acting weird for a few days now, with all the extra arguing and stuff! admit it! you're dating!" jason called, his footsteps loud and impatient. leo and aruna's steps were synced as they walked to the rope ladder of the ship.

"after you." leo said. aruna took the lolipop and climbed up the ladder easily.

jason took leo by the shoulder and spun him around, the height different forcing leo to crane his neck to look at the stupid giraffe.

"are you dating her?" jason asked lowly.

"i want you to really think about that, and come back to me." leo replied. he began moving up the rope ladder, snickering as jason began throwing off sparks out of frustration.

aruna was standing next to hazel, her hip thrown out and one hand on it as she licked the lolipop. leo leaned over the edge and pulled jason up gently.

"what happened?" hazel asked. she was supporting nico, who had an ice pack strapped to the side of his head.

leo recounted the story of jason being trapped by neptune's dingaling, and leo and aruna having to construct a bomb to defeat the evil gremlins (aruna insisted she didn't help, but leo told her to shut up). then, jason finished with explaining that leo and aruna had sent the dwarfs to infiltrate the romans.

"evil, but i like it." piper said as she took her dagger from jason. she gave him a hug and jason smiled as he held her.

leo looked at aruna, who was literally shoveling an entire handful of italian candies into her mouth. he nodded to jason and piper, and said, "do i get a hug for my heroism?"

aruna looked at him, her cheeks like a chipmunk as she ate. leo couldn't help smiling at the sight of her eating again, eating the way she used to.

"suck my cock." she said with a full mouth. hazel gasped and covered her mouth while leo rolled his eyes.

"you're so loving." he muttered.

jason suddenly broke away from piper and pointed an accusatory finger to aruna as she swallowed.

"what'd'i'do?" she said rapidly.

"you are dating leo!"

everyone gasped and looked between aruna and leo. leo gasped loudly and pointed to aruna, and she gasped loudly and pointed to leo.

"you what?!" leo howled.

"how could you keep this from me?!" aruna shrieked. piper deadpanned suddenly and looked at jason.

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