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what is up my bitches

i ended up giving a fuck so here

so, birthcharts can honestly be confusing as hell. i've studied them for like six months and i still go "what" when i look at them. i'm not gonna explain TrInE AsPecTs or SatUrN ConJunCtiOn vEnUs bc i literally dont know what any of that means, and i dont think i care. i'll make it as simple as possible; planet, sign, house, and what that means.

i'll also do lilith and chiron because i find those important.

(also, if yall wanna know YOUR birthchart, i recommend for calculating. it explains, goes super in depth, and you only need to know where you were born, what time, and the date. even if you dont know the exact time, it can still get fairly close estimates for you. and you can also look up birthcharts of famous people!

i share a birthday with will ferrell and phoebe cates which is kinda interesting.



ARUNA DOB: 14 February, 1994, born 12:00A.M. in Rhodes, Greece

Sun- self, individuality, personality

Sun in Aquarius; Sun in Aquarius is ruled by two different planets. Saturn gives them peace of mind, concentration, and persistence. Uranus gives them restlessness, originality, and a short temper, Typically, these people are a fairly even mix of both, rather than switching on and off.

Sun in the 4th house; People with Sun in the 4th house appreciate a strong sense of security, and strong roots. These people are driven by a need to protect- whether it be people, places, ideas, or traditions. They commonly have an interest in nature.

Moon- emotions, instincts

Moon in Aries; Feelings of uncertainty cause these people to rush problems. They need to slow down.

Moon in the 5th house; These people are very in tune with emotions. Emotions are the basis of almost all of their relationships. They need a high sense of security. They tend not to give their children enough independence.

Ascendant- presentation, physical personality

Ascendant in Scorpio; These people often have internal struggles with the "dark side". They often battle strong, negative ideas or emotions such as envy, jealousy, lust, or greed. Thirst for power is often a dilemma for them. They must find the proper channels for these thoughts.

Ruler of the Ascendant, Pluto- These people have a tendency to rebel. They completely rely on instinct, which can cause many problems. They often act in a secretive manner or keep their goals/motives secret. They have a strong sense of justice, are often creative, and enjoy exploring many things.

Ruler of the Ascendant (Pluto) in Scorpio; These people are sly and secretive. They are often very critical, and in a bitter way.

Mercury- intellect, comunication, thinking, learning

Mercury in Pisces; These people enjoy the arts. They are very creative, and ideas flow very easily. They communicate with emotions, and are often very sensitive. Often, their ideas and thoughts flow so loosely, they speak without thinking, and wonder if their thoughts are even theirs.

Mercury in the 4th house; These people are very connected to their idea of "home". They feel agitated and irate it they cannot relax.

Venus- love, relationships, harmony, pleasure

Venus in Pisces; This is a highly sensitive, compassionate, and imaginative placement. Typically, these people look at beauty in an abstract way rather than analytical. They often worry too much, thrust too much love onto one individual, or expect too much love from one individual. 

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