ninety-two: whoop whoop das da sound of la reyna

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Hazel threw her sword at the Doors of Death, exhaustion on the brink of overcoming her. The chains on the right side shattered as Hazel collapsed in agony, her side burning as the doors shuddered and disappeared in a flash of purple light.

Clytius roared so loudly that a half-dozen stelae fell from the ceiling and shattered.

"That was for my brother, Nico," Hazel gasped. "And for destroying my father's altar."

You have forfeited your right to a quick death, the giant snarled, his voice like an empty echo. Hecate cannot help you. NO ONE can help you!

 The goddess, Hecate, raised her torches. Something about her was ghastly, melancholy, but powerful and supreme at the same time. "I would not be so certain, Clytius. Hazel's friends simply needed a little time to reach her, time to defeat Lamia- time you have given them with your boasting and bragging."

What friends? These weaklings? They are no challenge!

In front of hazel, the air rippled. The Mist thickened, creating a doorway, and five people stepped through.

Hazel wept with relief. Frank's arm was bandaged and bleeding, but he was alive. Next to him stood Nico, Piper, and Jason- all with their swords drawn.

Aruna stepped into the room. Hazel gasped as Aruna limped slightly, her lips busted. She held out her hand, with a long rope tied around it.

No, not rope. Hazel nearly choked in horror.

Aruna was holding up the severed head of Lamia, her eyes removed and sockets wide open. Her mouth was agape, with a long, warty tongue hanging out the side, away from her razor-sharp shark-like teeth. Her skin was a disgustingly sick color, her hair like greasy noodles had been sewn into her scalp. Aruna's breathing was heavy as she held up the head, and Hazel heard a faint shudder echo throughout the room, but it wasn't hers.

"You stupid cunts," Aruna snickered.

Hazel didn't know whether to be horrified or absolutely delighted. Next to Aruna, Nico stepped forward, his Stygian iron blade pulled close to his chest in a defensive maneuver.

"She won't be coming back," he sneered.

Jason stepped forward, a simple smile on his face. "Sorry we're late. Had some problems. Is this the guy who needs killing?"

Hazel almost felt sorry for Clytius. Not only did everyone attack him from all sides, but the first move made was Aruna throwing the severed head of Lamia at him. He shrieked in horror as the demon's head disappeared into the smoky darkness he was made of.

Leo began shooting fire at his legs, setting the giant ablaze. Jason was flying into the air and kicking him in the face. Frank and Piper kept jabbing at his chest with their swords, which impressed Hazel- Piper had gotten very good sword skills in a relatively short manner of time. Aruna was slashing at the giants with her own blades, clearly exhausted because she was laughing like a maniac- or maybe she was just psychotic. Hazel had a feeling it was a mix.

Every time the giant's smoky veil started creeping around one of them, Nico was there, slashing through it, drinking in the darkness with his Stygian iron blade. To Hazel's surprise, he and Aruna were shouting commands at each other, working in sync like they'd been doing this for years.

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