four: an issue arises

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the campfire was probably the scariest thing i had ever experienced, third only to falling into the grand canyon, and falling out of a burning chariot.

i sat under the hermes banner, where annie was now talking her ear off to her older brother, david. i sat alone, on the edge of my seat at the top of the amphitheater.

i looked desperately for my friends. i saw leo with a bunch of kids like him- calloused hands, grease stains- under a steel-grey banner with a hammer on it. i realized that all of those kids must be his brothers and sisters. clearly the fire god had been busy.

at the front, annabeth and jason stood. piper stood next to a red-haired girl, both of their faces uneasy. apollo kids were singing and dancing and playing music in front of the fire.

i curled my knees up to my chest. i am the seldom type to enjoy group activities with more than like, four people. it's like locking an extrovert in their room and making them study hamlet.


i looked over. leo shot me finger-guns and winked, to which i flipped him off. he blew me a kiss and i just rolled my eyes as a centaur stepped onto the stage.

at this point, nothing stopped me. he held a spear with a ton of marshmellows on it.

"very nice!" he said as the apollo kids went to go sit down. "and a special welcome to our new arrivals. i am chiron, camp activities director, and i'm happy you have all arrived here with most of your limbs attached. in a moment, i promise we'll get to the smores-"

"WHAT ABOUT CAPTURE THE FLAG?!" a chorus of noise arose from a bunch of kids in armor sitting under a red banner with a boar head on it.

who the hell wear's armor to a campfire?

"yes, i know the ares cabin is eager to get back to return to the woods for our regular games-"

"and kill people!" one shouted.

now i was excited. i wanted to smack a bitch, but killing a bitch? yes, please.

"however, until the dragon is under control, that won't be possible. cabin nine, any news?"

everyone looked at leo's group. he waved at me again, while a girl next to him looked uncomfortable.

"we're working on it." she nodded.

"how, nyssa?" an ares kid grumbled.

"really hard."

oh boy. clearly some shit went down, was going down, and was about to go down. i looked at leo, but all he did was hold his pink to his ear and his thumb to his mouth, and he mouth 'talk later'.

he was serious. i could easily feel that.

"we will have to be patient." chiron sighed. "in the meantime, we have more pressing matters to discuss."

percy jackson.

"percy?" someone called out.

annabeth stepped forward. "i didn't find percy." she sounded broken just by saying his name. "he wasn't at the grand canyon. but we're not giving up. we've got teams everywhere. grover, tyson, the hunters of artemis- everyone's looking. we will find him. chiron's talking about something different- a new quest."

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