three: an angry blonde heals my ankle and we crash land

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annabeth fished a funny little yellow square out of her pocket before we left. i sort of stared at it, as i am quite the eater but i am not the type to accept strange food from girls who point knives at me.

"eat it. it'll heal you."

so, i did.

about three minutes later, my ankle was feeling a lot better. it waa able to support my weight, though it was still broken. butch assured it would be fully healed by this evening.

butch and annabeth took the front of the funny box we were in- piper told me it was a greek chariot.

then, jason and piper stood. jason looked stupidly calm for this ordeal, and a little too humble considering he could fly. leo and i stood side by side in the back, though i maintained a safe distance as i'm not a huge fan of touch.

gotta love trauma, amirite?

butch handled the reigns and annabeth handled a bronze navigation device. we rose over the grand canyon, and instantly began moving east. there were no safety straps, and no back, which didn't really bother me for some reason. the thing that bothered me was the storm clouds, and the fact that annabeth and butch were not saying where we were going.

icy wind ripped through my jacket and hair, stinging my cheeks slightly. i looked over at leo, who was clenching his jaw so hard, i feared it would break. his knuckles were white on the side of the chariot, and the heat he was eminating did not calm my nerves.

then, almost magically, leo stopped looking so scared, and went on being his usual, annoying self.

"this is so cool!" he spat a pegasus feather out of his mouth. "where are we going?"

"a safe place." annabeth replied. "the only safe place for kids like us. camp half-blood."

"half-blood?" piper was guarded all of a sudden. she'd been called a half-blood several times, being half-cherokee. i'd been called all sorts of names; boarder-hopper, gook, chink, wetback. i'm korean-mexican, but part of me seriously wonders how people know i'm hispanic. my skin is pale, i have no curves, i'm nauseatingly skinny, and i have asian eyes.

but, of course, everybody knows who my dad is.

he's not famous like piper's dad, though he is well known. as soon as i landed at the wilderness school, people somehow got their hands on news articles from 2002- seven years ago. they also like to bring up that stuff.

i refused to think about it.

"she means we're demigods." jason cut in. "half god, half mortal."

i frowned. "bull."

annabeth looked at jason. "you seem to know a lot, jason. but, yes, demigods. my mom is athena, goddess of wisdom. butch here is a son of iris, the rainbow goddess."

leo choked. "your mom is a rainbow goddess?"

"got a problem with that?"

"no, no." leo stifled a giggle. "rainbows. very macho."

"butch is our best equestrian." annabeth explained. "he gets along great with the pegasi."

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