twenty-one: on to part two

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i do not know how to fight with weapons. i can do some hand-to-hand pretty good- my dad taught me- but i have never actually used real weapons.

so, naturally, i charged first.

i let everyone else look at each other and formulate a plan. about four seconds after i took after the earthborn, jason charged enceladus, piper went to her dad, and leo made a go for what i think was a tree harvester.

leo ran like a storm spirit, his shoes clacking the ground loudly, almost like a full-auto rifle. ryan had mentioned that some hermes children have a super-speed power, but leo's speed wasn't a demigod ability.

it was fear.

he hurled himself into the machine from five feet away as one of the earthborn turned to face me. leo screamed, "HA!" as the machine whirred to life.

i clung to that energy, refusing to let my fear incapacitate me. i grinned triumphantly as, for once, i embraced the change in mood.

i jumped up, which seemed to catch the earthborn off guard. i slammed both blades down on his shoulder, severing all of his arms at once. he howled in pain, and tried to bite me, but i dropped to a split (i took gymnastics in middle school- never thought it would be useful!) and i brought my left blade down on his head and used my right to slash his stomach.

he melted into a clay puddle as i rolled to the next earthborn, but before i could do anything, leo swung the crane arm and toppled burning logs onto the earthborn. two went down in a fiery avalanche and melted into clay puddles.

"badass!" i gleamed like a madman.

"hop in, mamacita!"

leo is stupid, but i obliged and crowded in next to him. i saw piper cutting her father free, and jason fighting the giant.

coach hedge was, of course, heroically passed out with his fuzzy hindquarters in the air.

enceladus kept blowing fire, and pretty soon, the whole mountain would be ablaze. leo, would be okay, but the rest of us...

leo and i looked back at the earthborn.

one charged the tree harvester, and leo swung the crane arm in his direction. he smashed a button, whirring the blades to life. as soon as they made contact with the earthborn, he dissolved like wet clay, and splattered all of the clearing.

i dropped into the floor as the clay splattered all over leo, but not me.

he spit clay out of his mouth and glared at me. "really?"

he focused on the battle again as i stood up. the earthborn backed away from leo's blade, shaking their heads.

"bad vroom-vroom!"

"yeah, that's right!" leo yelled. "you want some bad vroom-vroom? come on!"


unfortunately, the earthborn did charge. they each hefted large, hard rocks above their heads.

"say goodbye!" i yanked leo out of the harvester just as it was rained on by rocks. by the time leo looked up, it looked like a smashed soda can.

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