sixty-five: aruna looks like shit and she yells a lot

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percy was literally fighting twin giants with the roman god of wine, bacchus, watching them with a bunch of ghosts in the colosseum. nico di angelo was literally trying to figure out where the hades he was, jason grace was running around like a madman, and piper mclean probably had a dislocated shoulder.

still, aruna rodrigo looked like absolute shit.

even from the ground, with water swirling all around him as he fought, and the argo II was up in the sky, he could see her. she was limping, clutching at her hip weirdly. the entire left swide of her face was swollen, and she hadn't bothered putting any sort of bandages on. dried blood stained her chin, lips, nose, cheek, and shirt. her left eye was swollen shut and her right arm grabbed her left side, so clearly, whoever had beat the hera out of her, had mainly focused on one side. her right cheek was scraped and her arm had a small cut, but otherwise, she looked fine. but one whole half of her body was turning ugly shades of blue, purple. black, green, yellow, and red.

she screamed something loudly as she peered over the edge, but over all the noise, percy couldn't decipher her. percy wondered if she was even speaking english. from what annabeth had said, the girl spoke so many languages, she got them mixed up. and with a beating like that, she must have been concussed, which only added to the fact that she was probably not speaking a lick of sense.

she yelled again, cupping her hands over her mouth.

okay, that was definitely not a language percy knew. he wasn't as good at greek as annabeth was, and he spoke some spanish (he lived in manhattan of all places. of course he knew spanish), but not a single thing that girl was saying sounded familiar. her silver eyes were wide and manic and she continued to speak before leo valdez appeared behind her, grabbing her right shoulder and turning her around.

"ENGLISH, MOTHERFUCKER! DO YOU SPEAK IT?!" he screamed at her. aruna said something to him and flicked his forehead before looking back down to percy.

"GREEK FIRE! TAKE COVER!" aruna screamed. then, she turned back to leo, and yelled at him angrily as she hobbled around the deck.

from the lake, otis yelled, trying to warn his brother, but his half-dissolved face could only manage: "uh-unmh-moooo!"

"don't worry, brother!" ephialtes said, his eyes fixed on the demigods below. "i will make them suffer!"

the argo II turned in the sky, presenting its port side, and green fire blew out of the ballista.

"actually," percy grinned. "look behind you."

he and jason rolled away as ephialtes turned and bellowed in disbelief. percy dropped into a trench right as the explosion rocked the area.

when he climbed out again, the argo II was coming in for a landing. as it got lower and lower, he could hear leo and aruna having an intense argument in spanish, but they were going so fast, percy barely understood when they said each others names. he shook his head and refocused on the arena.

jason poked his head out from a makeshift bomb shelter of a plastic horse. ephialtes lay charred and groaning on the arena floor, the sand around him seared in a halo of glass made from the heat of the greek fire. otis was floundering in the lake, trying to re-form, but from the arms down he looked like a puddle of burnt oatmeal.

safe || leo valdez x ocTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon