nine: i get hit on by a crusty icicle

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festus halted mid-air and got ready to spew fire. his wings beat and his sword-like talons were bared, ready to intercept anyone who might hurt us.

"steady, boy." leo warned under his breath.

i stared at the ugly creatures, and it was at that moment that a thought i should havw had hours ago finally hit me.

i didn't have a weapon. at all.

"i don't like this." jason said. "they look like storm spirits."

"no. they're a lot more solid." i said.

"you can see that far?!" leo asked as the creatures flew closer.

"you can't?!"

as they got closer, everyone began to see what i was seeing; two teenagers, aside from icy white hair and feathery purple wings. they held jagged bronze swords like icicles. clearly, they were brother, but not twins.

one was the size of an ox, for starters, with a bright red hockey jersey, baggy sweatpants, and cleats. evidently, his size was useless. he had been in a great many fighrs, as he was missing several eyes and both eyes were black and swolen.

the other looked like a loser desperately trying to fit in in 1981. he had a mullet, wore pointy-toed leather shoes, designer pants that didn't leave much up to the imagination, and a silk shirt with the top three buttons open as though that was something girls wanted to see. he had horrendous acne, and looked so bone-thin and small, even i could have thrown him.

the ox angel grunted. "no clearance."

"'scuse me?" leo said.

"eh?" i questioned in confusion.

"you have no flight on file." the twig said. he had a french accent so bad, i felt myself literally trying to shrink away. "this is restricted airspace."

"destroy them?" the ox gleamed.

festus began to steam, and i heard jason's sword summon. a rush of fear pummeled through me, but leo cried, "hold on!"

"let's all take this slow." i said calmly. "can we please have the honor of knowing who is destroying us?"

"I AM CAL!" the hockey mongrel announced. he was very, very proud of that.

"that's short for calais." he twig said. cal is a much better name, but i wasn't going to say that. "sadly, my brother cannot say words with more than two syllables-"

"pizza! hockey! destroy!"

"-which includes his own name." the twig finished.

"i am cal." cal repeated. "and this is zethes! my brother!"

zethes sounded like a new fungal cream, but i also kept this to myself.

"wow!" leo mused. "that was almost three sentences! way to go!"

cal looked pleased, and i was very glad he did not see through leo's sarcasm.

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