6: Sources

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Jimin's POV

The door opened and I saw Linda smiling at me. "Welcome, get inside." She cooed, holding my hand and taking me inside her home.

I don't get involved with women.

Linda hugged me suddenly but I didn't hug her back. I couldn't.

I thought Jie meant nothing to me, but . . .

"I'm sorry," I said, pushing her back and she frowned at me as I continued, "Let's break up."

[9 months ago]

"There is a girl who is totally my type." A man said while smoking with his friend on the rooftop of our office building. "Really? I have my eyes on someone, too." His friend replied.

"Who is that?" The man asked with a teasing smile. "Let's say it on the count of three."

"Fine." The man nodded.

"Three, two, one, Jie."

Both of them started laughing. "Right?"
"I knew it!"

I blew the toxic air from my mouth, holding the cigarette with my left hand as I heard them talk behind me.

"Isn't she cute?"
"The cutest of all."

I put the white stick back into my mouth to inhale the nicotine. "Jimin, who is your favourite?" One of them asked and I turned to look at him.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. I don't really care." I replied, smoking peacefully. They chuckled at my answer.

"Guys like you, showing no interest, turn out to be the ones who snatch women." He said and I rolled my eyes at him.

"I heard you dated the most popular girl last year, and dumped her in no time." His friend said and the man agreed.

I don't even know their names. They just know me because I'm popular at the office and I meet them sometimes here while smoking.

"I've heard. I totally waved to hit on her." The man said and I looked at them laughing at each other.

I didn't dump her, she left me. It's because I neglected her.

"Jimin is popular with girls. I see that." One of them said as I turned back to look at the city view.

I got into this company through connections. My father runs a company called Busan Corp. A major client of Klavu Trading Company.

No matter what I do or don't, no one evaluates my work.

"Jie, come over here." The manager asked her to go to him. "Please introduce yourself."

She was wearing a baby blue suit with a skirt of the same colour. Hey hair was let loose and she was smiling shyly.

"Hello, everyone! I've joined today. I'm Lee Jie, and I look forward to working with you." She said in a strong voice.

I peeked at her. So that's the rumoured girl, Jie.

She came and took her seat on the computer beside mine. Newcomers only make things worse.

Or so I thought.

She looked at me before bowing slightly and passing me a slight smile. I rolled my eyes and poked my cheek with my tongue, looking away from her.

Jie was surprisingly a quick learner, and smart. But . . .

I looked at her saying Namjoon to accept her along with the shirt and I couldn't control my laughter.

But it's a different story when it comes to romance. I'm truly amused by how she doesn't give up even after his refusal.

I turn around to look at Namjoon with his girlfriend Kaori who is helping him to wear the shirt.

Namjoon doesn't understand that Jie could be a fun girl to toy with. Yet he is stuck to Kaori Minami, for God knows how long.

[5 years ago]

"You should pick me." Kaori said to the boys in her group as I was walking past her in cafeteria of University.

"Who's your type in this group?" One of the guys asked her and she giggled shaking her head.

Kaori was two years our senior in our group, and she was a runner-up Miss college queen. But I never understood why everyone was so into girls.

"Jimin, will you join us for drinks?" She asked and I turned to look at her pleading eyes.

And then I found myself in her messed up apartment, she was crying while sitting on the sofa while I was standing in the middle of the room.

"He married you know. And he said he won't leave her. But I love him." She cried about her one-sided love.

How can such a thing happen to a beautiful girl like her? I want to do something for her.

I looked at her crying in her apartment as I was the one who carried her back home after the drinks.

I had never felt anything like that before. I don't expect her to reciprocate.

I filled up a glass of water for her and walked to her, kneeling in the ground beside her figure on the sofa, stroking her hair.

"Sip it." Kaori lifted her head up and started drinking from the glass in my hand.

Despite my young age, I strongly felt I could ease her pain. She pulled her mouth back and stared at me with teary eyes.

So I joined our lips together,

And melted into her warmth that night.


Jimin couldn't control his hormones, can you?

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Jimin couldn't control his hormones, can you?

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