Winx Believix

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Ivy pov:

"I can't believe we've reached the Believix level!"i said

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"I can't believe we've reached the Believix level!"i said.

Finally we are Believix fairies!

"It was like all the forces of nature united in one single moment."said Flora.

"Check out the clothes,they're amazing."said Stella.

"Thanks Roxy,the minute you believe in us we transformed."said Bloom.

"I believe in you now and i hope you beat these creepy guys."said Roxy.

Anagan ran quickly past us and was going towards Roxy but Stella got her first.

"Nice one Stella,i see someone has been reading  the book of fairies."said Layla.

"I knew there were more to it than just pretty pictures."said Stella as Duma transformed into a tiger and try to attack us.

Then Musa attack Duman which caused some damaged.

"Finally,it looks like our powers are affecting the wizards."said Layla.

Fucking finally.

Then Musa tried to attack Ogron but it did nothing to him and he blasted Musa.

"Silly fairies you thought a little upgrade was enough to challenge us please.Hunters attack!"said Ogron.

We were fighting against the wizards.

Gantloss made a shockwave towards Flora which Stella block with her sheild.

"Fire tornado!"i cast as i turn around and a tornado appear and i launch it towards Gantlos.

I stumble a little bit only for Flora to hope me.

"You okay?"she ask.

"Yeah just my head turning a little."i said.

"Ogron the girl disappeared."i heard.

Good Roxy ran away.

"Don't just stand there,find her!"command Ogron.

Oh no you don't.

I took off the ground and Duman transformed into a bird.

We tried to blast him but he dodge everything.

Would you stop fucking moving for one second!!!

Then Duman went to sit on Anagan's arm and they disappeared.

We all joined Bloom and Flora.

"Where they go?"ask Layla.

"I don't know but we have to find Roxy fast."said Bloom.

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