Battle of the Sexes

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Wednesday 3rd September 2015
Jughead's Voiceover
So here's what you missed on Glee: The Next Generation:Auditions for Glee Club are underway and Will has managed to recruit 10 members so far, but that still isn't quite enough. Jaxon has a crush on new student James, but he seems to barely notice he exists. Bella tried to convince her best friend Hallie to join New Directions, but after being chased out of her private Catholic school, she's afraid of what others will think when they learn her secret. Miles and the rest of Glee Club grappled with insecurities, but Will gave them a reason to feel proud.And that's what you missed on Glee!
Will's Voiceover
It has been a busy week for me and my Glee Club. Monday, auditions. Tuesday, an assembly and auditions. Wednesday, auditions. Today, auditions. Throw in Glee Club meetings and practices...I had a feeling we could all use a little change of pace. So, I decided to make today the last day of auditions. We only needed three more members to make our thirteen for competitions. At the rate kids had been turning out, we were sure to have them by the end of today.Last week's lesson was hard on the kids, I know. It had to be emotionally tiring for them. They needed something uplifting and fun this time. And then it me. My old Glee kids loved our sing-offs. Boys vs. Girls, Diva-Offs, Duets Competitions... they ate them up like super sugary candy.But maybe this time I needed to take it to a whole new level. I could host like a Battle of the Bands Monday night. Of course, I would have to talk to Figgins.
In the Principals office
Figgins says to Will "You want to host your Glee Club Battle of the Sexes in the auditorium Monday night?"
Will says to Figgins "Yes, sir."
Figgins says to Will "I'll make a deal with you, William. You'll have to pay the rental fee up front."
Will says to Figgins "But sir, April kind of donated the auditorium to us."
Figgins says to Will "Yes, William, for school use. That means during school hours. After school hours, you have to pay to rent it just like everyone else."
Will says to Figgins "Fine. How much?"
Figgins says to Will "Forty-five dollars."
Will says to Figgins "And then I can use it Monday night?"
Figgins says to Will "Not just yet, William. You will be responsible for cleaning up after the people yourself. I refuse to pay Mr. Kenny, the janitor, the extra amount it would take to bring him in on his off time."
Will says to Figgins "Okay, Figgins. You got it. You drive a hard bargain, but...I'll do it."
Will shook Figgin's hand, making the deal official.
Will's Voiceover
Okay, the Battle of the Sexes is on. First thing I need to do is buy a roll of tickets. If we charge $2 a ticket, we can use that money to help get us to Nationals this year. Then I need to get some refreshments to sell as well. And I'll get some of the students in art class to help design posters to promote it and I can send flyers home to the parents. It was going to be so awesome.At lunch, I could barely think straight. All I could focus on was the Battle of the Sexes.
In the teachers lounge

Emma says to Will "Will?Is something the matter?"Will says to Emma "No, Emma

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Emma says to Will "Will?Is something the matter?"
Will says to Emma "No, Emma. Why do you ask?"
Emma says to Will "Well, you just dunked your cheesestick in ketchup and your fries in marinara sauce."
Will says to Emma "I did? Funny, I didn't notice. Did you know Breadsticks delivers? Perfect food for celebration."
Emma says to Will "And what are we celebrating?"
Will says to Emma "According to the sign-up sheet for Glee Club auditions, by the end of the day I will have all thirteen needed members in order to compete this year."
Emma says to Will "I thought it was twelve."
Will says to Emma "It was. They changed it last year. So many students were being turned away by their school's Glee Clubs because they already had twelve members, so it was increased to thirteen to give more students a chance."
Emma says to Will "Thirteen seems like such an unlucky number."
Will says to Emma "Not really, we've had thirteen members plenty of times."
Emma says to Will "Yes, and let's review.Jesse St. James, the first thirteenth member ended up betraying us and nearly derailing New Directions completely. As a repercussion, the Glee Club was sent spiraling into such a funk, they never recovered and lost Regionals."
Will says to Emma "Fair enough,Emma.
Emma says to Will "Then after Kurt returned to McKinley and Lauren stayed onboard, you lost miserably at Nationals due to the kiss heard around the world if you remember correctly."
Will says to Emma "Okay, Emma. Point taken. But things are gonna be different this year. I'm starting things off with one of my infamous sing-offs. The Battle of the Sexes. Boys versus girls Monday at 7pm in the auditorium."
Emma says to Will "You do remember last time we did that, right? The kids got all doped up on vitamin D."
Will says to Emma "Give these kids the benefit of a doubt. I seriously don't think we'll have to deal with that this year."
Emma says to Will "I'm so proud of you, Will. You really have faith in these kids. And your ideas, while sometimes suggestive of the likelihood of repeating past mistakes, are really brilliant."
Will says to Emma "Thanks, Emma."
Emma says to Will "Um. Will. You're doing it again."
Will says to Emma "Doing what?"
Emma says to Will "Cheesestick in the ketchup."
Will looked down at his cheesestick and turned his nose up at it. He calmly set it aside and smiled gracefully.
In the Finn Hudson Auditorium
Will's Voiceover
The auditorium was pretty empty today. Rachel and Blaine had showed up to support me. Rachel's main reason being that she would be returning to New York Tuesday and wanted to spend as much time at McKinley and near Glee Club as possible. Blaine was mainly here just to have something to do. Kurt was being held over at costume approval for Wicked, and being the nervous wreck he always was, insisted Blaine not be there to distract him. Given the choice of the garage with Burt and auditions with Rachel, here Blaine was. Not that I minded. I loved seeing my old students and spending time with them, especially my Glee kids.Jaxon, Kevin, and Miles were busy helping Coach Beiste get ready for the first football game of the year. They had a lot of work to do, so none of them were here today. Nicole had an emergency Brainiacs Club meeting to help find someone to replace one of their team members, who had come down with a bad stomach virus.Honey, Bella, Lucas, Evan, Rose, Breezy, and Emma were the only ones who were able to show up. But, as long as I had Emma by my side, I had all the support I needed.
Will says to James "James Holland?"
A very fashionable young man walked up on the stage. He had dirty blonde hair and wore a pair of expensive white designer shades.
James says to Wemma "I'm James Christopher Holland and I'll be singing 'Fireflies' by Owl City."
Emma says to James "I love that band."
Emma said with a smile.
James says to Emma "Actually, it's just one guy."
Emma says to James "Oh,well, don't I feel silly? Anyway, continue."
James walked over and pressed a button on the boom box. Synthesized music began to play.

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