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Thursday 2nd January 2016
Jughead's Voiceover
So here's what you missed on Glee: The Next Generation:Jaxon and James are broken up for now, but Claude had sunk his claws into Jaxon and wants him really bad. James isn't too happy about this, but he pushed Jaxon away by hanging with bad boy Aldy. At a New Year's Eve party, everyone got drunk. Lana's tattoo secret was exposed, Miles kissed Jaxon after trying to kiss Lana. Aldy got drunk and tried to fight James, but Jaxon took the punch instead. It was crazy. Dillon asked Nicole to accept his promise ring as a promise to propose after high school, but she hasn't gave him an answer yet. Evan tried to get intimate with Lucas, but he can't stand to be touched after his gay bashing last year. Taylor's pretty territorial over Aldy, even though they are just friends with benefits. And it seems that with Hallie and Rose's help, Breezy has finally seemed to grab Miles attention.And that's what you missed on Glee!
Miles's Voiceover
Ever since I kissed Jaxon, everything changed. Jaxon would barely even look at me. Lana wasn't speaking to me. The kids in the hall whispered about me, to my face and behind my back. High school really sucks. You kiss a guy one time, and automatically you're gay or bisexual. Did you know three guys already asked me out? And one slipped me a note and said he'd do things to me I can't repeat, even in my head because it's that dirty.
Miles sighed.
Miles's Voiceover
What is with this high school obsession with labels? My philosophy is labels belong on food and the expensive clothes India bought.
In School Hallway

Miles stopped dead in his tracks when he saw his locker

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Miles stopped dead in his tracks when he saw his locker. Spray painted on it in big, neon yellow letters was the word QUEER. Miles sighed, shaking his head.
Miles's Voiceover
One drunken kiss with my best male friend, and this was my reality. I've went from popular kid to loser overnight.
Miles threw open his locker and exchanged his books. Miles threw his backpack over his shoulder and slumped to the lunch room.
In the Cafeteria

Miles was quiet as he sat at the table, staring off into space

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Miles was quiet as he sat at the table, staring off into space. Breezy looked over, concerned.
Breezy says to Miles "What is it, Miles?"
Miles says to Breezy "I screwed everything up. This party was supposed to be fun and somehow, I messed it all up. Just like I always do."
Breezy squeezed Miles arm.
Breezy says to Miles "We all make mistakes, but you can't beat yourself up over them."
Miles says to Breezy "Lana won't talk to me, Jaxon is acting like a pod person, everyone thinks I'm gay or bisexual and all this talk about labels is really pissing me off. It was one drunken kiss, we're all human after all. What's the big deal?"
Breezy sighed.
Breezy says to Miles "Welcome to high school, Miles."
Miles sat there for a moment before getting up and walking his tray over to the garbage can. Miles flung the food in there and sat it in the dirty dish window with a loud thud. Miles didn't look back as Miles walked out of the cafeteria.
In the Choir Room

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