Thursday 13th January 2015
Jughead's Voiceover
So here's what you missed on Glee: The Next Generation:New Directions lost Nationals, but India is paying for all of New Directions to go on a trip to London, the city where Internationals is being held. Evan and Breezy had a mutual and amicable break-up, which is fine for Evan because he has eyes for Lucas. Poor Breezy, though. Being a Diva can be hard. Bella and Hallie got back together. And just in time, too. Hallie was seeing Bella in her toast.And that's what you missed on Glee!
In the Choir Room

Will excited walked to the front of the class, the results of the Sing-Off vote in his hands

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Will excited walked to the front of the class, the results of the Sing-Off vote in his hands.
Will says to the glee club "Alright guys, the winner of the Sing-Off is..."
Will said, pausing for dramatic effect.
Will says to the glee club "Bella James! Give her a big round of applause."
Everyone applauded for Bella as she blushed, humbled by the honor.
Will says to the glee club "I also have a big surprise for Bella."
Will says to Bella "As our winner, you have won a solo at the competition of your choice next year."
The Glee Club began to murmur in disbelief as Bella stared ahead in shock.
Will says to Bella "That's right,You get your very own solo at any of the major competitions next year. You pick the song, everything. But for those of you who didn't win, there will be auditions for the other solos, so start preparing if you want to win."
In Dalton Academy school hallway

Nicole held Dillon's hand as they walked the halls of Dalton together

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Nicole held Dillon's hand as they walked the halls of Dalton together. Nicole brushed a lock of hair behind her ear. Dillon looked over at her and smiled.
Nicole says to Dillon "London is just so far away."
Dillon says to Nicole "Well, I have a surprise,My mom and dad want me to see more of the world, so they're sending on a trip to London."
Nicole smiled from ear to ear.
Nicole says to Dillon "That means..."
Dillon says to Nicole"Yes, we'll still get to see each other."
Dillon said, hugging Nicole.
Dillon says to Nicole "And that's not all. When I return from London, I'll be accompanying you to Ohio Summer Camp for the Arts!"
Nicole squealed with excitement.
Nicole says to Dillon "Oh, Dillon, I'm so happy!"
Dillon looked into Nicole's eyes for a second before moving forward and kissing her. Nicole was shocked.
Nicole says to Dillon "Our first real kiss."
Nicole said with a smile.
Dillon pushed his glasses up, returning the smile.
At the airport
India pushed a large load of at least seven bags as she met up with the rest of New Directions at the airport.
Declan says to Miles "Hey, how about you go help your girlfriend before she sprains something."
Rose says to India "Geez, India, what do you even need all of that stuff for anyway?"
India says to Rose "I've seen Lost, okay? And if this plane goes down, I'll be damned if I'm stranded on some Gilligan's island without the essentials."
India replied, taking off her Chanel sunglasses.
Hallie says to India "And that's your essentials?"
India says to Hallie "It is when you look this good and live this luxuriously."
Miles picked up a bag and was surprised when the weight pulled him down to the ground.
Miles says to India "What do you have in here?" Miles asked, picking himself off the floor. Miles says to India "A dead body? A ton of bricks?"
India shook her head.
India says to Miles "No, that's my beauty kit. It's really heavy. That's why I was pushing on the little wheels."
Miles says to India "Thanks for warning me."Miles said, rolling his eyes.
India says to Miles "You're welcome."
India said in a sweet voice.
Will stepped out of the bus and into London. He exhaled, looking around for a minute.
Will says to New Directions "Well, kids, we're here,A long plane ride and a short bus ride and finally, we've made it."
India took out her cell phone.
India says to New Directions"I'll have Maximilian come pick us up."
Jaxon says to India "Who's Maximilian?"
India says to Jaxon "My chauffeur."
Hallie says to New Directions "How about while we wait we go for a little walk?"
Dillon says to Nicole "Nicole?"
Dillon asked from across the street, waving his arms. Nicole's face instantly lit up upon seeing him.
Nicole says to Dillon "Dillon!"
Nicole yelled, running across the empty street and hugging Dillon.
Nicole says to Dillon "You made it!"
Dillon says to Nicole "Yes, I did. I couldn't wait to see you again."
Breezy says to New Directions and Dillon "Okay," We're in London, so let's have some fun!"
New Directions looked at one another before running out into the sprawling landscape that was London.

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