Gold Forever

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Friday 20th February 2016
Jughead's Voiceover
So here's what you missed on Glee: The Next Generation:So Honey wanted to get back at Taylor for what she did to Nicole, she tried to get Lana to slushie Taylor. But Lana wanted no part of it and Honey ended up doing it herself. Now Taylor swears she's gonna get Honey back, which isn't good news for Honey. Ana and Natasha are now Taylor's lackeys and they've become the new Unholy Trinity. Lana and Hallie are back together, but Lana hasn't told her mom yet. Jaxon and James had a fight earlier this year, but now they're stronger than ever, even if they did get caught in the act by James's new dads and new sister, Honey. Breezy's hiding something from Miles, which is unusual because usually it's Miles hiding something. And New Directions won Nationals, thanks to the song John wrote and now they are preparing for Internationals in Paris, France.And that's what you missed on Glee!
In school Hallway

Jaxon walked down the hallway in what seemed like slow motion

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Jaxon walked down the hallway in what seemed like slow motion.
Jaxon's Voiceover
Ever since I first signed up for Glee Club, I had dreamt of this moment. And while I dreamt about it, I never once imagined it would become such a reality and so soon at that. Winning Nationals and headed for Internationals, it was the Holy Grail of show choir.We were the underdogs and against all odds, we did it. We became National Champions and earned our spot in Internationals to compete for the bragging rights of being the best in the world.It was so close I could feel it. Taste it. But at the same time, it was the moon to a little child. This big, glowing object in the sky, just out of reach, that you believe deep inside that you could reach if you climbed a little higher. So, you climb to the tallest branch of the biggest tree you can find, but it's still just out of reach.That was Internationals, and I, Jaxon Bryce Pierce, would be atop that tree, reaching for the moon.
Miles, Bella, Evan, James, and Breezy walked down the hall, headed for the choir room. Miles looked around, unable to believe his eyes.
Miles says to Bella,Evan,James and Breezy "We just won Nationals.Not one person has congratulated us, there's no banner, nothing. You'd think we'd be treated like hometown heroes."
James says to Miles,Bella,Evan,James and Breezy "We're losers.Lima losers to be precise."
Breezy says to Miles,Bella,Evan and Breezy "I kind of can't wait to get out of this town."
Miles says to Breezy "Yeah, but we got one more year to go."
Breezy says to Miles "Yeah."
Breezy said, looking down at the floor.
Breezy says to Miles "One more year."
Breezy chuckled uneasily. No one really noticed it, much to her relief.
Evan says to Breezy,James,Jaxon,Miles and Bella "We'll be treated like legends when we win Internationals.We're destined for greatness, guys. We just have to believe."
Bella hung back and pulled Breezy aside as Miles, James, and Evan hurried ahead to meet up with Jaxon, Lana, and Hallie.
Bella says to Breezy "You're hiding something."
Breezy shook her head, perhaps a little too defensively.
Breezy says to Bella "No, I'm not. It's nothing."
Bella says to Breezy "Yes it is. And I think I know what. You're doubting Miles and given his reputation with the ladies, you're thinking about dumping him. But, you're still not sure whether you should or not. Well, rest assured, I have dated Miles and I can give you a little advice."
Breezy says to Bella "Oh no, that's not necessary."
Bella says to Breezy "Nonsense."
Bella said with a smile.
Bella says to Breezy "It's not a big deal."
Breezy rolled her eyes. From behind Bella, Taylor, Ana, and Natasha began to clap rhythmically.

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