We Made It

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Monday 28th February 2017
Jughead's Voiceover
So here's what you missed on Glee: The Next Generation:Miles discovered that one, Adam was a cutter, and two, he has a major crush on Nicole. So, Miles decided to take Adam under his wing and help him get swagger so he can win over Nicole. Too bad for Adam, Nicole is madly in love with Dillon. Things are going great for Bella for once. She dropped her Glee Club Co-Captain duties, joined the Cheerios, and is dating good guy Reece. Hallie and Lana are dating sort of in secret because Lana's mother doesn't want Lana to see her. Claude pulled a Blaine and transferred to McKinley to be closer to his boyfriend, Evan. Jaxon lost his dad, but things are going great for him and James. They got engaged and just broke the news to the Glee Club. Turns out not everyone is happy for them, mainly Evan and Mr. Schue.And that's what you missed on Glee!
In Emma's office
Jaxon crossed his arms as he sat in front of Emma. Emma cleared her throat.
Emma says to Jaxon and James "No rush to talk."
Jaxon says to Emma "I said everything I wish to say in Glee Club yesterday, I am happy with my decision. It's not my fault that Mr. Schue refuses to see how much James and I love each other."
Emma says to Jaxon and James "Do you feel you're ready for such a huge step?"
James says to Emma "The wedding wouldn't even be until next summer. We have the entire school year to adjust and prepare."
Emma says to James and James "Well..."
Emma said, thumbing through some pamphlets.
Emma says to James and Jaxon "I guess there is nothing I can say to the either of you that would help dissuade you at this point. But perhaps this pamphlet will."
Emma slid a couple copies of the same pamphlet over to Jaxon and James. Jaxon looked at James for a moment before picking it up.

Jaxon reads to Emma "So You Wanna Move to New York and Throw Away Your Life to Get Gay Married as a Teenager

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Jaxon reads to Emma "So You Wanna Move to New York and Throw Away Your Life to Get Gay Married as a Teenager." "
Jaxon says to Emma "Well that is so wordy and specific, how can I not let it change my mind?"
Emma smiled.
Emma says to Jaxon "So you're not going through with this?"
Jaxon says to Emma "Perhaps you didn't detect the sarcasm. No, I am going through with this because I know it's what's right for me and James."
Emma says to Jaxon "What about the fact James will still be in school? Do you believe Hiram and Leroy will let him transfer to a school in New York just to be closer to you, Jaxon?"
James says to Emma "I'm just going there for the summer. I'll stay with Rachel. She and I have already talked about it and she's completely onboard. Then, I will return here to finish out my high schooling."
Emma sighed.
Emma says to James "I can see there is no changing your mind. Well, I guess I will have to give Rachel a call and see if I can talk to her, adult to adult."
James says to Emma "This is what we want. No one is going to stand in our way. Not you, Mr. and Mr. Berry, or Mr. Schue. Rachel's on our side, she knows how I feel deeply inside. That's all that matters."
Emma nodded.
Emma says to Jaxon and James "Well, okay. You two are free to go."
Emma says to Evan But Evan, I still haven't heard from you. Stay back so we can talk."
Evan nodded as Jaxon and James got up and walked out the door.
Emma says to James and Jaxon "You forgot your pamphlets!"
Emma called, but it was too late.
In School Hallway

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