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Wednesday 16th August 2016
Jughead's Voiceover
So here's what you missed on Glee: The Next Generation:John had a cutting issue and when Miles tried to help, it almost destroyed their friendship. India moved back home to London, but her friends back home weren't so supportive so she returned to McKinley, where she plans to get back her HBIC status. Nicole is dating Dillon, a Warbler, but Dillon's teammates are pressuring him to choose between them and her and questioning his loyalty. Lana, a new girl, has started at McKinley, and she's making quite a stir. She's auditioned for Glee Club, set her eyes on Hallie, and teamed up with her rival Bella to take out their mutual arch rival, India. Drama, drama, drama! And that's what you missed on Glee: The Next Generation!
In Sue's office
Lana sat in Sue Sylvester's office, waiting for Sue to speak. Lana raised her eyebrow as she crossed her arms.
Lana says to Sue "I'm all ears, Coach Sylvester."
Sue says to Lana "I have been wanting to take down Glee Club for a while. I've quite frankly, lived for it. I realise that my problem isn't with Glee Club itself, but how Will Schuester runs it. You know, as they say, if you can't beat them, join them. So, I have a plan and I need your help."
Lana says to Sue "My help?"
Sue says to Lana "I was passing by the choir room on the way to do my late afternoon ninja poops. Ever heard about them? They're legendary."
Lana turned her nose up.
Lana says to Sue "I'll take your word for it."
Sue sat, deep in thought, flashing back to the day Lana auditioned for New Directions.Sue walked past the choir room, catching wind of a beautiful voice. She stopped for a second, newspaper and coffee mug in hand, watching Lana through the doorway.
Sue's thought
She sings beautifully.
When Sue snapped back to reality, she was being stared at by a very confused Lana.
In Sue's office
Sue says to Lana "The wheels began to turn in my head and I realised that if you can't beat them, join them.So, I'm forming my own Glee Club at McKinley and we're gonna take out Will's."
Lana says to Sue "And why do you need my help?"
Sue says to Lana "You have star potential and I need a strong lead. Don't you wanna crush Bella and that China girl that you hate so much?"
Lana says to Sue "India?"
Sue says to Lana "Who cares? All foreign countries are the same, anyway."
Lana says to Sue "How did you know about me wanting to take them both down a few notches?"
Sue says to Lana"A little birdy told me. Actually, you had the whole conversation in the middle of the hallway. I couldn't help but overhear."
Lana says to Sue "You were eavesdropping?"
Lana says to Lana "You have no proof. So, do we have a deal?"
Lana thought for a moment, weighing her options as Sue watched her, awaiting an answer.
In school hallway

John walked with Honey and Nicole as they made their way toward the courtyard

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John walked with Honey and Nicole as they made their way toward the courtyard. Nicole turned and looked at her friends as John held the door open.
Nicole says to John and Honey "Well, I gotta go meet Dillon at the Lima Bean,I will see you guys later."
John looked disappointed as Nicole slipped out the door and didn't look back. Honey looked at John, empathetic.
Honey says to John "Something wrong, John?"
John says to Honey "No."
John said, nervously fiddling with the long sleeves of his shirt.Honey looked down at John's sleeves and raised an eyebrow.
Honey says to John "It's the middle of August, John. You aren't cutting again, are you?"
John says to Honey "No,I stopped. The long sleeves, they are just a habit. There's nothing to worry about."
Honey says to John "Okay.Because I'm your friend and I do worry about you. If you need to talk about something, I'm here."
John says to Honey "It's nothing.I'm just tired, that's all."
Honey says to John says to John "Okay,I'll see you Monday, John. Take care."
John nodded as he watched Honey walk away.
John says to himself "Of course, there's something wrong.But it's not easy to say. How can you just come out and say that you are in love with your best friend? And she has can I compete with a Warbler? They're so perfect, so pristine, so charming, and dapper. And I'm just John, the jock. John, the guy Nicole would never go for."
John sighed, frustrated as he pushed the door open hard and walked out.
In the Choir Room

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