Snowed In

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Monday 26th December 2016
Jughead's Voiceover
So here's what you missed on Glee: The Next Generation:Chuck is going to be a father because his Holy Roller girlfriend, Chastity, got knocked up. Talk about karma. But he's confused, so he kissed Claude. Speaking of kisses, Chad Riker-Smith, the evil bully, got released and he came back to McKinley. After trying to make amends over his past ways, he admitted to Evan he was gay. The two sang a duet and Chad kissed him to prove he was telling the truth, but it appears there was more to the kiss than to prove he was gay. James has been hanging out with McKinley's bad kids crowd and started to smoke and drink. The drinking was the final straw for Jaxon, who told James that he's breaking up with him until he finds out who and what is important. Bella has a crush on Hallie's cousin, Reece, who just moved to town. Hallie isn't too pleased about it and claims it's because she doesn't want her cousin hurt. But to be honest, the whole Bellie mess was pretty complicated and both parties hurt each other...more than once. So is that what it's really about? And that's what you missed on Glee!
In the Choir Room

 So is that what it's really about? And that's what you missed on Glee!In the Choir Room

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Will smiled as everyone piled into the choir room. Will extended his hand, accepting a sheet of paper from each of the McKinley High students.
Will says to the glee club "I would like to thank Principal Figgins for making this possible,Even though he made me get permission slips from your parents in order to attend this Christmas Eve party."
Sue says to Will "It's for their and our own good, After all, it is after hours and school is closed down for Christmas break."
Will says to Sue "I would have thrown the party at my and Emma's place, but Emma felt the parents might find it inappropriate, so we agreed that the school was a better place to have it. I just wanted to celebrate this wonderful holiday with the people I consider family."
Hallie says to the glee club "We're so glad to be here."
Nicole and Dillon walked in, holding hands. Behind them were Claude and Chuck. Nicole handed her permission slip to Will with a smile and walked over to take a seat. Jaxon saw Claude looking at him. Upon realizing he was caught, Claude smiled at him. Jaxon return the smile, slightly confused.
Breezy says to Will "The snow is coming down good."
Breezy said, removing her scarf as she walked in.
Will says to Breezy "It'll be fine,What's Christmas without snow, huh?"
Kevin says to Will "That Christmas in July thing they air on TV."
Everyone shook their head at Kevin's response.There was an audible shock as Chad Riker-Smith walked through the door. Lucas felt his heart sink.
Lana says to everyone "What is he doing here?"
Evan says to the glee club "I invited him,Chad made some mistakes, and yes, those mistakes seriously hurt my boyfriend. But what message are we sending, what kind of people are we becoming if we don't accept his apology and help him in his mission to become a better person? What happened to the things that Christmas is all about, huh? I saw with my own eyes, the sincerity behind his apology. Chad is really making an effort to be a better person. If I can forgive him, surely all you can."
Chad says to Lana "Lana? I haven't seen you in a while."
Lana says to Chad "You were the kid who."
Lana began, but seeing the pleading in Chad's eyes, she stopped.
Nicole says to Lana "The kid who what?"
Lana says to Nicole "Who used to go to my old school, He used to attend Thurston."
Evan looked at Chad, then at Lana.
Evan says to Chad and Lana "Oh."
Will says to everyone "So how about we get in the Christmas mood with a little song?"
Honey says to Will "Bella's not here yet."
Honey said, holding Declan's hand.
Bella says to everyone "I'm here."
Bella said, walking in. Reece was behind her, guitar in hand.Hallie rolled her eyes. Lana looked over at her and squeezed her hand.
Lana whispered to Hallie "Let it go."
Kevin says to Will "Mr. Schue?"
Kevin asked, raising his hand.
Will pointed to Kevin.
Will says to Kevin "We're not in class, so you don't have to raise your hand, Kevin."
Kevin says to Will "I was wondering if Rose and I could sing our favorite Christmas song."
Will says to Kevin "Sure,I invited the band for that very purpose, Kevin. What is a Christmas party without music?"
Miles says to Kevin "Don't answer that."
The choir room laughed.
Kevin took Rose's hand and led her to the front of the room. Emma beamed at them, her smile warm and welcoming.

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