Heal The World

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Friday 6th January 2025
Jughead's Voiceover
So here's what you missed on Glee: The Next Generation:New Directions won Regionals, but a group dropped out and now Vocal Adrenaline will be there, too. Lucas had a secret crush on his best friend, Louis, but Azimio photocopied his journal and now it's not so secret. Neither is Lucas' crush. John and Miles got into a fight because Miles told about John cutting himself and they got suspended. Declan joined New Directions so they could compete at Regionals. He actually kind of liked it. Now he might stay for a while.And that's what you missed on Glee!
In School Hallway

And that's what you missed on Glee!In School Hallway

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Lucas shut his locker and started down the hallway. He didn't look up when he passed his ex-best friend and ex-crush, Louis. Louis was leaning against the wall in his letterman jacket, accompanied by Azimio and a few guys Lucas didn't know.
Just keep moving, Lucas, he told himself. Don't even pay any attention to Louis. If he was truly your friend, he would have never stopped being your friend just because he knew you were bisexual. All thanks to Azimio at that.
Louis says to Lucas "Faggot."
Louis said, followed by a chuckle.
Lucas swallowed the growing lump in his throat and didn't look up.
Lucas's Voiceover
I look up, he can see the tears forming. Don't let him have that satisfaction.
Jaxon says to Lucas "Lucas?"
Jaxon asked, as he walked around the corner.
Jaxon says to Lucas "What's up?"
Lucas says to Jaxon "Nothing, Jaxon."
Lucas tried to walk past Jaxon, but Jaxon grabbed his shoulders and stopped him dead in his tracks.
Jaxon says to Lucas "Don't say nothing. Something's up."
Jaxon looked up to see Louis and Azimio giving each other a high five, smiling from ear to ear.
Jaxon says to Lucas "They said something to you, didn't they?"
Jaxon asked, looking Lucas in the eyes.
Lucas nodded.
Lucas says to Jaxon "Please, don't say anything."
Jaxon let go of Lucas and started toward the group of jocks.
Jaxon says to Louis and Azimo "You guys got something to say? Think you're funny, huh? Say something to me."
Jaxon says to Louis "Come on, Louis. Pick on someone more capable of defending themselves."
Louis scoffed.
Louis says to Jaxon "Please, Pierce. I'm not afraid of you. You gonna try and stop me, huh? You and what army?"
Evan says to Louis "Us."
Evan said, appearing behind Jaxon with Miles and John by his side.
Azimio says to Evan and Jaxon "I thought they were suspended."
Miles says to Azimio "We're back as of today."
John says to Azimio "Yeah, and we've managed to work things out and now we're friends again, which means we'll gladly team up and put you dorks in your place."
Azimio laughed.
Azimio says to John and "What, do you think I'm scared?"
John says to Azimio "I've been getting help for my cutting,Which means, I have a lot of pent-up aggression and I'm looking for someone to give me an excuse to take it out on them instead."
Evan says to Azimo "Try us."
Azimio shook his head in disbelief.
Azimo says to Evan "I think we stirred up the whole damn pride parade."
Evan started forward, but Miles grabbed him.
Louis says to Azimio "Come on,We'll have plenty of time for these punks later."
Azimio reluctantly followed Louis and their friends, only looking back once.
Jaxon says to the glee club "This is out of control,Louis has been terrorizing Lucas ever since Azimio handed out those pages from Lucas journal."
John says to the glee club "Something has to be done."
Miles says to the glee club "McKinley could really use a Gay-Straight Alliance."
Evan says to the glee club "That's it,Let's go talk to Mr. Figgins."
In the Principals office
Will, Beiste, Emma, and Sue were all gathered around Figgins, who looked seriously at Evan, Bella, Hallie, Jaxon, Lucas, James, Miles, and John.
Sue says to Figgins "This office is incredibly cramped."
Figgins says to everyone "I couldn't agree more."
Emma says to Figgins "About the office being so cramped?"
Figgins says to Emma "No. About the Gay-Straight Alliance,I think it is a wonderful idea. Anti-LGBT bullying has always been a big issue here at McKinley. I think it's about time that we instated one."
Jaxon says to Figgins "Lucas has been terrorized ever since it got out that he's bisexual."
Figgins says to Jaxon "Well, I could take care of the bullying problem if you give me names."
Lucas says to Figgins "I can't,They'll come back eventually and it will only make it worse. I just want a place where I am among my peers and feel like I belong."
Will says to Lucas "Isn't that what Glee Club is?"
Lucas says to Will "No offense, Mr. Schue,Glee Club is that, but it caters to music and show choir. I need a play that mainly caters to being a gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender.I would like a couple of teachers to be the club directors. Now, Mr. Schue is already director of Glee Club, so I was hoping some of the rest of you would like to volunteer to be a co-director."
Sue says to Lucas "I'm in,I spent the greater amount of my life fighting for the rights of Jean and Becky and I will gladly fight for the rights of the outcast gay, lesbian, and bisexual students of McKinley. Plus, I also promised Kurt years ago, before he transferred, that I would patrol these halls."
Figgins says to Sue "Great, Sue."
Shannon says to Figgins "I would, but I'm so busy with football. We're about to be in the tournament,I feel so bad."
Emma says to Figgins "I'll do it,It only seems right, seeing as I'm a counselor."
Figgins smiled.
Figgins says to Jaxon,Hallie and Evan "Excellent. Jaxon, Hallie, and Evan, you three all represent different members of the LGBT community. Gay, lesbian, and bisexual, respectively. So, I'm naming you the student captains."
Jaxon smiled.
Jaxon says to Figgins "Thanks, Mr. Figgins. This means so much to me."
Figgins says to everyone "Alright, everyone, you are dismissed,You can all return to Glee Club."
Sue says to Figgins "Wouldn't be caught dead there."
In the Choir Room

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