Night Out

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Tuesday 8th March 2017
Jughead's Voiceover
So here's what you missed on Glee: The Next Generation:Evan worried about his extracurricular activities not being enough to get him in NYADA, so he tried to join an elite club known as the Legacy. But they wouldn't have him because he was half white, and they're really racist against white people. So Evan tried to stand his ground and he got beat up. Then he just snapped and performed a fierce and angry rendition of Roman Holiday,aptly retitled "Evan Holiday." Jaxon is busy preparing for NYADA as well, but he's really focused on the audition aspect. Nicole came to the realization that she wasn't ready to take the next step with Warbler boyfriend, Dillon. This came on the heels of the news that India lied about being a virgin and slept with half of the guys in the school...and some outside of the school as it was she who instigated the night of experimentation between best friends Chuck and Claude. In the words of Santana, wanky! But anyway, it seems like Nicole is hiding something, which is okay with Adam, who has a crush on her. He's got his own dark secret and only Miles knows it. And that's what you missed on Glee!
In school Hallway

Miles picked up his pace to catch Jaxon, who was way ahead of him in the hallway

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Miles picked up his pace to catch Jaxon, who was way ahead of him in the hallway. Miles fell in line beside Jaxon and put his hand on Jaxon's shoulder.
Miles says to Jaxon "Have a minute?"
Jaxon says to Miles "Sure.What's the problem?"
Miles sighed.
Miles says to Jaxon "It's Evan. Is it just me, or has he been acting strangely lately?"
Jaxon says to Miles "You mean ever since he was rejected by The Legacy and they beat him up?" Jaxon asked, raising an eyebrow.
Miles says to Jaxon "No,It has to be more to it than that. I think something else happened later that day. When he got home, he wasn't himself. He was quiet and distant to say the least."
Nicole says to Miles and Jaxon "What are you guys talking about?"
Nicole said, joining Miles and Jaxon.
Jaxon says to Nicole "Evan.He's been acting weird ever since last week."
Nicole says to Jaxon and Evan "This Legacy nonsense really got to him, huh? Not surprising. They've made a target out of him."
Miles says to Nicole "What do you mean they've made a target out of him?"
Nicole says to Jaxon and Miles "They've been bullying him ever since the night he got beat up. Of course, Evan won't talk about it, but I've heard and seen a few things around the school. And to make matters worse, Louis is now in with The Legacy."
Jaxon says to Nicole and Miles "We've got to do something.They are out of control and Evan doesn't deserve this. Not even when he was India's enforcer would he deserve it."
Miles says to Jaxon and Nicole "There is nothing we can do.The Legacy is a powerful group. They have influence that we can only imagine."
Nicole says to Miles and Jaxon "No one is that powerful."
Jaxon says to Miles and Jaxon "And no one is above the law.You know what Figgins said about the slushies. That we can't stop slushies because the school board does not recognize them as implements for bullying. However, they do recognize physical violence. Evan was assaulted at the Lima Bean, a public place. There had to be plenty of witnesses. We can do something about this."
Miles says to Jaxon and Nicole "I think we're just wasting our time.And that is not me being unsupportive of Evan. It's me being realistic."
Nicole says to Jaxon "For once in your life, have faith, Miles,I'll go with you to see Mr. Figgins, Jaxon. Someone has to do something."
Jaxon says to Miles "You in?"
Jaxon said, looking at Miles.
Miles sighed as he contemplated his decision.
In the Principal's office
Figgins looked confused and intrigued as to why over half the Glee Club stood in his office, staring at him. Jaxon, Miles, Hallie, Lana, Honey, James, Claude, Rose, Kevin, Adam, Natasha, and Nicole were all huddled inside the office, staring at Figgins.
Figgins says to half of the glee club "Not that I am not both excited and happy to see you, children of the Glee Club, but to what do I owe the pleasure of you visiting my office today?"
Hallie says to Figgins "There is a bullying problem here."
Jaxon says to Figgins "We think that you should do something about it."
Figgins says to the half of the glee club "I have already told you Glee Club children that there is nothing I can do about your constantly being slushied.My hands are tied."
Miles says to Figgins "It's not about the slushies."
Adam says to Figgins "I don't care about the slushies,Natasha and I were slushied this morning. Yeah, it hurts a bit and it's cold and sticky, but it's not like being beat up."
Lana says to Figgins "Evan Marx was assaulted off school grounds by members of a club that rejected him."
Figgins says to half of the glee club "There is nothing I can do about what happens off school grounds."
Nicole says to Figgins "But they are harassing him and picking on him at school as well. And they are using school time and classrooms to hold meetings of the same club."
Figgins says to the half of the glee club "Now, that is something I can do something about,I will not allow the school to be used to hold meetings of a club that bullies, harasses, and assaults my students."
Jaxon says to Figgins "So what does this mean?Put quite simply?"
Figgins says to half of the glee club "What this means,is that the Legacy can no longer use school grounds, school hours, or school funds for their club. I'm cutting McKinley's ties to the Legacy, permanently."
Miles says to Figgins "Thank you,I'm sure this will be a huge relief for Evan."
Figgins says to Miles "My pleasure, Mr. Larson."
In Evan's bedroom

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