Beautiful Dangerous

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Tuesday 17th January 2016
Jughead's Voiceover
So here's what you missed on Glee: The Next Generation:James told Jaxon he'd ditch his bad boy friends in a heartbeat for Jaxon so Jaxon took James back. Hallie was raped at a party she snuck into three years ago and some guy named Chris took advantage of her and now she had twin two year old children. Hallie's struggled with this ever since it happened mainly because Chris died in a drag racing accident and she never got closure. Honey and Declan are planning something big, but before they told her dads, she ran it past her birth mom, Shelby Cocoran. Chuck knocked up Chastity Vega, the evil bitch that tormented Hallie when she was pregnant. Aldy and Taylor are just FWBs, but Taylor thinks they're something more. She's even way clingy.And that's what you missed on Glee!
In school Hallway

And that's what you missed on Glee!In school Hallway

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James walked to Jaxon's locker and stopped. James leaned against the locker next to Jaxon and smiled.
James says to Jaxon "Morning, Sunshine."
Jaxon smiled.
Jaxon says to James "You're in great spirits today."
James nodded.
James says to Jaxon "Notice anything different?"
Jaxon turned to look at James, scanning him from head to toe.
Jaxon says to James "Yeah."
Jaxon said with a smile.
Jaxon says to James "You look like the old you. Have you told Aldy that you wouldn't be hanging out with him anymore?"
James says to Jaxon "Not yet,I'm trying to figure out the best way to go about that."
Jaxon says to James "I can come with you.That way you don't have to do it alone."
James smiled.
James says to Jaxon "Really? Thanks, Jaxon."
James wrapped his arms around Jaxon and hugged him tightly. Jaxon patted James's back gently.
Jaxon says to James "I'm really proud of you, James. I'll be with you every step of the way. I promise."
James says to Jaxon "I know, Jaxon. You always keep your promises."
In the Cafeteria

At lunchtime, Jaxon and James were finally sitting together and the overall mood had seemed to change

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At lunchtime, Jaxon and James were finally sitting together and the overall mood had seemed to change. There wasn't as much animosity or drama in the air.
Taylor and Aldy walked over to the table to join the rest of their friends, hand-in-hand.
Lana says to Aldy "Okay.What's going on? I thought you made it very clear you weren't dating."
Aldy shrugged.
Aldy says to Lana "It just kinda happened pretty much overnight. I can't really explain it. It still kind of confuses me."
Taylor says to Lana "Aldy just finally realized his feelings for me run deeper than being friends with benefits. He's pretty much been a new person since his best friend Chris sent him an email saying he was returning to Lima."
James says to Taylor and Aldy "Well, I guess I'm happy for you.Everyone deserves love."
Rose says to the glee club "You know.You would think that fresh off our victory at Regionals, we'd be more like rock stars by now. Why are we still having to sit at our own table?"
Nicole says to Rose "Does it matter?At least we're together and happy over here. I learned firsthand that popularity is overrated."
Rose says to Nicole "Guess you're right."
Outside of the school
Aldy waited outside McKinley, smoking a cigarette which he nonchalantly flicked aside. Aldy looked up, a smile crossing his face when he saw who was walking his way.
Aldy says to Chris "Chris Winters, you old dog!"
Chris smiled.
Chris says to Aldy "Aldy Williams, my main man! How are you doing?"
Aldy says to Chris "I'm doing pretty good I guess. How are things your way?"
Chris says to Aldy "Well I had to disappear for a while because some stuff went down with some girl at a party. No big deal, man. You know how girls are. But now I'm back in Lima for good."
Aldy says to Chris "I can't tell you how good it is to have you back with us. Things are getting crazy over in Lima Heights Adjacent. This gang named the Orange Dragons have taken over since you left. We'd had a few altercation with them."
Chris says to Aldy "They better know that they are in drag racer territory. I'll send them a little message that they won't soon forget."
Aldy says to Chris "For real, dude,It's great to have you back. Can you believe it? The boys are back together. Nothing can stop us now, man."
Chris says to Aldy "I'm glad to back."

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