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Tuesday 31st August 2016
Jughead's Voiceover
So here's what you missed on Glee: The Next Generation:New Directions got back at India, but she's madder than ever. Hallie finally made her decision and she chose Lana. Bella is gonna be okay though. She met Hallie's super cute cousin, Reece, and she is crushing hard. Bella seems to rebound pretty fast. Breezy is also crushing hard on Bella's ex, Miles. Jaxon promised to never let James fall, even though James newfound bad boy attitude is driving him nuts. Jaxon blames bad boy Aldy, new best friend of James. They even almost got into a fight. India has big plans for Sectionals, but she won't reveal them. Nicole is dating a Warbler named Dillon. The Warblers are concerned about him dating the competition. Chuck is also dating his competition, Chastity, a very mean girl. And if that wasn't enough drama, Nicole also has a secret admirer.And that's what you missed on Glee!
In Hallie's house,kitchen
Hallie sighed as she grabbed her backpack. Hallie turned to face her mother, who was holding a plate of breakfast.
Miranda says to Hallie "So when are you going to invite Lana over for supper?"
Hallie says to Miranda "Oh dear lord, Mom, not this conversation again."
Miranda says to Hallie "I think it would be the civil thing to do to invite her to meet your mother."
Hallie says to Miranda "You've met Lana."
Hallie said, as she bent over and gave Ethan and Eva a kiss.
Miranda says to Hallie "Not formally,I think you owe it to her to make her feel welcome in your family."
Hallie nodded.
Hallie says to Miranda "Okay. Maybe next week. Sorry, I've just been so stressed with Sectionals coming up. I love you Mom. And please don't give the kids a lot of sugar. I really feel like I will need my rest after Sectionals."
Miranda says to Hallie "Bye, baby."
Miranda said, hugging Hallie and kissing her on her cheek.
Miranda says to Hallie "Good luck tonight."
Hallie smiled as she walked out the front door and saw Lana propped against the giant elm tree in her front yard.
Hallie says to Lana "Are you gonna walk me to school?"
Lana says to Hallie "Of course. My car is in the shop. Bad alternator. But it's great weather for walking. The trees are beautiful. Red, gold, and orange...what wonderful colors."
Hallie says to Lana "You seem really happy."
Hallie said, lacing her arm through Lana's.
Lana says to Hallie "I am happy. I have a gorgeous girl, tonight is Sectionals. I'm on cloud nine."
Hallie laid her head over on Lana's shoulder.
Hallie says to Lana "I'm right there beside you."
Lana smiled to herself
Outside of the Choir Room
Lana walked Hallie to the choir room and stopped outside the door.
Lana says to Hallie "So, here we are,I'll see you later, baby."
Hallie says to Lana "I wish you were in here with me. It's not too late."
Lana says to Hallie "I have a loyalty to my fellow Femme Fatales. Natasha would especially be upset if I just left."
Hallie says to Lana "I understand,I know it's kind of wrong, but I'll be secretly rooting for you."
Lana chuckled.
Lana says to Hallie "Same. Take care, okay?"
Hallie nodded as Lana smiled and walked away.
Hallie gathered herself and walked into the choir room.
In the Choir room

Will says to Hallie "Welcome, Hallie

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Will says to Hallie "Welcome, Hallie."Sit down. We were just talking about Sectionals."
Will says to the glee club "Alright, as you may or may not know, Rose has the flu and she can't compete tonight."
Honey says to Will "Aw, that sucks."
Will says to the glee club "Which is very unfortunate, Because now we have a little predicament."
Nicole says to Will "What is it?"
Will says to the glee club "Bella, Jaxon, Miles, Hallie, James, Nicole, Evan, Lucas, Kevin, Honey, Aldy, and Breezy. That's only twelve people. We have to have thirteen to compete. We're short a member."
Breezy says to Will "Oh God,What are we gonna do?"
Evan says to Breezy "This is definitely not good."
Will sighed.
Will says to the glee club "We've worked, no, you guys have all worked too hard to not even get a chance."
Bella says to the glee club "What about Declan?"
Honey says to Bella "He can't tonight, He has some sort of family thing. But he wished us good luck and sends his love."
Aldy says to the glee club "I have an idea,We can get Taylor to fill in. She's a real fast learner and picked up on the songs and choreography when me and James were practicing."
Will says to Aldy "I'm willing to take what we can get,How fast can she get here?"
Aldy says to Will "I can go get her right now."
Will says to Aldy "Great, Go get her. She and Rose were about the same size so she can wear Rose's costume."
Aldy says to Will "Got it."
Will says to the glee club "Now, Our set-list. As you know, Evan suggested after last week's country lesson, we do some classic R &B for Sectionals. He nominated Janet Jackson. They're all songs we have worked on in the past and I know you guys know them well."
Honey says to the glee club "A few years ago, New Directions impressed with a Jackson medley at Sectionals, One of the judges from that year will be here this year. I say, what harm can it do?"
Nicole says to Honey "I agree,Janet Jackson for Sectionals? I'm there."
Kevin says to the glee club "Awesome."
Lucas says to Evan "Great idea, Evan."
Lucas said, interlacing his fingers through Evan's. Evan smiled.
In the green room

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