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Tuesday 10th January 2015
Jughead's Voiceover
So here's what you missed on Glee: The Next Generation:Bella and Hallie used to be best friends and then they briefly dated. But Miles had a thing for Bella and Halle felt like she was a burden to Bella with her kids, so she dumped Bella and told her to date Miles. But then Miles cheated on Bella and India and when forced to choose, it wasn't Bella he chose. Bella and Hallie end up as Prom King and Queen and shared a shocking kiss. Archie from Vocal Adrenaline told James that he didn't really love him and everything he did to get him back was to destroy New Directions. Now, thanks to a choir dropping out, Vocal Adrenaline will be competing at Nationals in Vegas. Major drama!And that's what you missed on Glee!
In School Hallway

Hallie clutched her books tightly, holding them to her chest as she walked down the hall

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Hallie clutched her books tightly, holding them to her chest as she walked down the hall. Her mind was a mess, replaying the kiss she and Bella had shared at prom. Yes, she loved Bella. She would be lying if she said she didn't. But she knew the truth. She had two very young children as the result of an experience that had scarred her forever. To love her, it came with a major burden. Total emotion baggage. She didn't wanna be that for Bella.But did Bella make her heart skip a beat? Yes. Did Bella make her feel fuzzy inside? Yes. Did she see fireworks when they kissed? Of course.Was Bella her soulmate? Yes, there was moments when she did, in fact, think so.
Bella appeared beside Hallie with a smile on her face.
Bella says to Hallie "Hey, Hallie."
Hallie smiled, not looking up.
Hallie says to Bella "Hey, Bells."
Bella says to Hallie "I was thinking maybe we should talk about what happened at prom."
Bella suggested, pushing her bangs back behind her ear.
Hallie says to Bella "Perhaps this isn't the best time."
Bella says to Hallie "Oh. I was just thinking the sooner the better, you know."
Hallie says to Bella "Maybe a time and place that's more private?"
Bella says to Hallie "Yeah, of course."
Bella said, a little disappointed.
Bella says to Hallie "Well, um, Mr. Schue said that we leave for Nationals in an hour. He wanted to make sure everyone knows."
Hallie nodded.
Hallie says to Bella "Thanks for reminding me."
Bella frowned.
Bella says to Hallie "Well, I guess I will see you later, Hal."
Hallie says to Bella "See you."
Hallie said with a slight smile.
Hallie's Voiceover
So, there you go doing it again, Hallie Grace. Always pushing Bella away because of an irrational fear of being a burden. Why do you always have to do that? You know very well you love her with all your heart. She's the only girl you've ever loved like this. Why do you insist on messing it up? Damn, Hallie, you're a mess.
Jaxon shut his locker and took James's hand as they walked toward the buses that would take them to the airport.
Jaxon says to James "Do you ever feel like we've taken things too fast?"
James says to Jaxon "Not really thought about it. Why?"
Jaxon says to James "Well, we had just started dating and we considering going all the way. Then, about 5 months into our relationship, we finally did. Now, we're living together."
James says to Jaxon "Oh my god, is this a break up?"
Jaxon says to James "No, no, James. I just think that maybe we need to slow down. I don't want you to get hurt."
James says to Jaxon "My feelings aren't that fragile, you know."
Jaxon says to James "James, I'm just scared of hurting you. After what happened with Archie, Evan, and then your dad. James, you've been hurt constantly."
James says to Jaxon "Jaxon, I forgive you for what happened. And I've even forgave Archie. Forgiving my dad will take some time, though."
Jaxon says to James "I just don't wanna hurt you again. I couldn't forgive myself."
James smiled.
James says to Jaxon "Jaxon, I'm a big boy. I can take care of myself. This whole bull crap with my dad has really made me stronger. It even surprises me how tough my skin can be now."
Outside of the school
Evan walked steadily toward the buses. Breezy appeared beside him.
Breezy says "Hey, Evan,We really need to talk."
Evan says to Breezy "About?"
Breezy says to Evan "The prom. Who were you watching? I'm your girlfriend and you weren't looking at me. Do you understand how upset that makes me?"
Evan says to Breezy "I don't see what the big deal is."
Breezy says to Evan "Oh, you don't? Who were you singing that song to? Huh? Jaxon?"
Evan shook his head.
Evan says to Breezy "No, Breezy. That was like a couple months ago. Let it go."
Jaxon walked up to Evan and Breezy, accompanied by James.
Jaxon says to Breezy and Evan "Hey, guys,Good luck."
Breezy turned around with fire in her eyes and slapped Jaxon across his face.
Jaxon says to Breezy "Breezy, what the hell?" Jaxon asked, confused.
Breezy says to Evan "Oh don't even act like you don't know!"
Breezy said before storming off.
Jaxon says to Evan "What the hell did I just miss?"
Jaxon asked, rubbing his cheek.
After what had seemed like a days long trip, which was complete with a few dramatic arguments and silent treatments, New Direction finally arrived at Las Vegas McCarran International Airport.
Will says to the glee club "Alright."
Will said as everyone met up outside the airport.
Will says to the glee club "Before we do anything, we need to call roll and make sure everyone is present and accounted for."
Sue says to Will "First off,Chaperones. Butt chin?"
Will rolled his eyes.
Will says to Sue"Present, Sue."
Sue says to Ginger "Ginger?"
Emma raised her hand.
Emma says to Sue "Present."
Sue says to Brittana "Lady Loving and Airhead?"
Brittany and Santana raised their hands.
Brittana says to Sue"Here, Coach."
Sue says to Klaine "Porcelain and Young Burt Reynolds?"
Klaine says to Sue "Here."
Sue says to Klaine "Great."
Will says to Sue"I'll do the rest of the roll call."
Will says to Lucas,Honey,James and Hallie "Lucas, Honey, James, and Hallie?"
Lucas says to Will "All here."
Will says to Breezy,Bella,Miles and Nicole "Breezy, Bella, Miles, and Nicole?"
Nicole says to Will "Present, Mr. Schue."
Will says to Evan, Rose, Declan, and Jaxon  "Evan, Rose, Declan, and Jaxon?"
Evan says to Will "All accounted for."
Will says to Kevin,John and India "Kevin, John, and India?"
Kevin says to Will "Here, Mr. Schue."
Will says to everyone "Okay, all students are accounted for," Will said. "Now, it's time to assign you guys to your chaperones. India and Miles, you two will be with Coach Sylvester. Jaxon, James, and Lucas you'll be with me. Hallie and Bella, you'll go with Brittany. Declan and Honey, you're with Santana. Evan and Breezy, you'll go with Kurt. Kevin and Rose, you'll be with Emma. And last but not least, John and Nicole, you will go with Blaine. Everything clear? Are we set?"
New Directions says to Will "Yes."
Nicole says to Will "Mr. Schue, before we split up, there's something we wanted to do."
Will says to Nicole "What's that?"
Nicole says to Will "We really wanted to crash a real Vegas wedding and start dancing and singing like a flash mob."
Will rolled his eyes.
Will says to Nicole "Okay, if that's the wildest thing you want to do in Vegas, then let's do it. New Directions style!"
Sue says to herself "Oh lord, just shoot me now."Sue groaned.
The front door of the chapel burst open and New Directions and their chaperones rushed in. Will carried a boom box on his shoulder as the kids began to circle around him. Everyone inside the chapel looked at them as Will pressed the play button.

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