The Power of Love

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Saturday 1st January 2015
Jughead's Voiceover
So here's what you missed on Glee: The Next Generation:James and Jaxon are deeply in love, but James ex-boyfriend, Archie is trying hard to steal him. Over Christmas break, Jaxon took the next step and invited James to meet his parents and gave him a promise ring. Evan used to date India, but they broke up. Now he's finally dating Breezy, but Breezy is afraid of getting hurt. Honey is dating Declan, Jaxon's adopted brother and best friend. Will and Emma are engaged and Kurt promised to plan the wedding. It seems like everyone is in love.And that's what you missed on Glee!
In Wemma's house,Living Room

Emma sat on her sofa, unblinking and unspeaking as James sat there

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Emma sat on her sofa, unblinking and unspeaking as James sat there.
Emma says to James "James, if you aren't ready to talk, you don't have to talk."
James says to Emma "No, I want to talk to you before you leave on your honeymoon,Thanks so much for talking to me at your house."
Emma says to James "Is there anything I could do to make you feel more comfortable?"
James shook his head.
James says to Emma "Jaxon took a big step and invited me to meet his parents on Christmas Eve. Then, he gave me a promise ring. Jaxon is the one making all the big steps and I feel like it's my turn to take a big step."
Emma says to James "What big step did you have in mind, James?"
James didn't answer. Emma knew exactly what he had in mind just by his silence.
Emma says to James "That's a pretty big step, James. You have to be one hundred percent positive you want to take it. It's not something you can undo and changes a lot of things."
James says to Emma "I know that. But I feel like it's my time to finally take that step."
Emma says to James "Okay, James. That's your decision. All I can ask is that you are very careful and make sure you use protection."
James says to Emma "But that's not my main concern."
Emma says to James "Oh,Well, it's not the size that matters, James. You're still young and have plenty of growing left..."
James says to Emma "No. That's not my problem,I um, don't know to put this but it's something that I've been teased about quite a bit."
Emma says to James "You can tell me anything, James."
James says to Emma "I'm not Jewish."
Emma says to James "Well, James, I don't see what religion has to do..."
James says to Emma "No, it's not like that. I'm not Jewish."
Emma thought for a moment before realizing what he meant.
Emma says to James "Oh, okay. Well, that's more normal than you think. I'm sure it won't be a deal breaker, especially with two people who love each other. A lot of people aren't...Jewish."
James says to Emma "Thanks, Ms. Pillsbury. Um, do you have a pamphlet about it?"
Emma smiled as she got up and walked over to her briefcase, opened it, and pulled out a pamphlet.
Emma says to James "I have a pamphlet for just about everything."
James took the pamphlet and stuck it in the inside his jacket pocket.
James says to Emma "Bye,I should be getting home.
As James walked out the door, he passed Will, who patted him on the back and walked into the living room.
Will says to Emma "Are you ready for rehearsals?"
Emma nodded.
Emma says to Will "I am."
Will says to Emma "Good. Everything's ready. I managed to get in touch with Holly Holiday and she's going to sub for me until we get back from our honeymoon."
Emma says to Will "That's great."
Emma said, hugging Will.
Emma says to Will "I can't believe that later today I will Mrs. Emma Schuester."
In the Church
The church was packed as Mercedes and Sam walked toward their seat. They found an empty spot beside Rachel and Finn. Kurt and Blaine sat on the other side of Finn. Artie was in the aisle beside them. Brittany and Santana sat in front of them.
Mercedes says to everyone "This place looks beautiful. It's a shame that the others couldn't make it."
From behind her, Coach Beiste blew her nose. Sue readied another tissue.
Rachel says to everyone "I can't believe it took them this long to get married."
Sam says to everyone "Shh,Emma's about to walk down the aisle."
Rachel whispers to Mercedes "Isn't she lovely?" Rachel whispered to Mercedes as Emma marched down the aisle, escorted by Rusty Pillsbury.
Mercedes whispers to Rachel "That gown is gorgeous,It's very Audrey."
After the ceremony, at the reception, Emma and Will sat aside as New Directions took the stage to perform the song they had chosen as their wedding song.

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