The Most Magical Music on Earth

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Wednesday 3rd November 2015
Jughead's Voiceover
Mr. Schue tries to work up the magic by having New Directions perform the music of Disney. Evan and Breezy still can't see eye-to-eye on their feelings: Breezy refuses to admit she's in love and Evan is head-over-heels. Meanwhile, in the aftermath of her break-up with Hallie, Bella realizes she loves Miles.So here's what you missed on Glee: The Next Generation Kevin and Rose used to date before they joined Glee Club, but Rose dumped Kevin because she couldn't deal with his body issues. Now she's agreed to give him another chance...but just as friends for now. Breezy and Evan both struggled to be convincing that they didn't like each other but really they do. For real. They even kissed. With evil Archie rearing his ugly head, James has been going through a lot. He doesn't even know who he is anymore. Meanwhile, Bella and Hallie broke up because Hallie felt she couldn't give Bella what she needed and she tried to convince her to give Miles a shot. Meanwhile, Declan, Jaxon's new brother, scored a date with Honey. She's really selective.And that's what you missed on Glee!
Will's Voiceover
I have NEVER felt this confident the week before Sectionals. My first year, I had just had a nasty break up with my wife, Terri and I ended up sleeping in the school. My second year, we had just lost Kurt, one of our stars, to a rival Glee Club. My third year, New Directions had split and we faced some of our own in the form of the Troubletones. My forth year, I had lost my three strongest members. My fifth year, the ship went under and I went down with the USS New Directions.But this year, I knew we were gonna win Sectionals. We've beaten the Warblers before. And seriously, how tough could a newly formed all girls Catholic school choir be? I don't know why but I couldn't stop picturing them singing Jesus Loves Me and Kumbaya.Or worse, they could revisit Sue's Jesus Is a Friend of Mine Aural Intensity number. Woo, cold chills...and not the good kind. This year, New Directions was in it to win it. How do I know? Because I have faith. And I have a secret weapon. How do you keep the magic alive? By celebrating the most magical music on Earth: Disney movie songs.
Yes! That would be what my lesson this week would be!
In the teachers lounge

Yes! That would be what my lesson this week would be!In the teachers lounge

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Will looked up from his sandwich. Emma stared at him.
Will says to Emma "What?"
Emma says to Will "Will, you ate your tuna sandwich into the shape of Mickey Mouse."
Will looked down at his sandwich, perfectly round with a pair of Mickey Mouse ears.
Will's Voiceover
Yep, the magic was alive and well.
In school hallway

In school hallway

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