Battle For Sectionals

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Thursday 4th November 2015
Jughead's Voiceover
So here's what you missed on Glee: The Next Generation:Evan has been trying hard to win Breezy over, but it turns out her parents are divorced and it's made her afraid to love. Yikes. New Directions has been preparing for Sectionals really hard. Hallie had to leave her old school because she was bullied by Chastity Vega, uber mean girl. Chastity showed up at Invitationals and blabbed Hallie's secret to India, who told the whole school. Now, New Directions has to face Chastity's Glee Club at Sectionals as well as the Warblers. India spent the entire last episode being nice. Who would have thought it? James is being stalked by Archie, who is in Vocal Adrenaline. Now he swears to destroy Jaxon himself, and every time James is near Archie, he cries.And that's what you missed on Glee!
Evan hurried into the choir room, a crumpled piece of paper clutched tightly in his hand. He turned to face Breezy.
In the Choir Room

Evan says to Breezy "Thanks for meeting me here

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Evan says to Breezy "Thanks for meeting me here."
Evan said, out of breath.
Breezy says to Evan "What is this all about, Evan?"
Evan smiled.
Evan says to Breezy "I know you're apprehensive about giving me a chance. So, this is a lat minute, all-or-nothing number. The rest of the club and I have prepared it for you and hopefully, you will understand where I'm coming from."
Breezy smiled.
Breezy says to EvanOkay. Guess I can't say no to that."
Evan says to the glee club "Come on in, guys."
Evan says to Breezy "Hope you don't mind, but they're gonna help me out. The band is already gone since we have Sectionals today and they're not needed."
Breezy laughed.
Breezy says to Evan "You are really something."
Jaxon walked in, strumming on his electric guitar. Kevin took a seat at the drum set and joined in. India walked in and took a seat at the keyboard, playing along. The rest of Glee Club walked in, clapping in rhythm. Breezy covered her mouth, unable to believe what was happening.Evan stood right in front of Breezy, looking directly at her.

Breezy wiped a tear from her cheek and smiled warmly.
Breezy says to Evan "So, all-or-nothing?"
Evan nodded, a lump forming in his throat.
Breezy says to Evan "Then consider it all,
Breezy said as she stood up from her chair and threw her arms around Evan.Will leaned through the doorway and cleared his throat.
Will says to the glee club "Sorry to break up this moment, but it's time to leave, guys. Sectionals, here we come!"
The choir room erupted with cheers and New Directions filed out the door.
At Sectionals
Will, Emma, Beiste, Kurt, and Blaine led the line as they made their way to their seats.
Will says to Emma "I'm so nervous."
Emma says to Will "Don't be."
Kurt says to Blaine "It feels like old times,My stomach is in knots."
Blaine patted Kurt on the shoulder.
Blaine says to Kurt "I can't wait to see the new Warblers. I still have my old jacket, you know. I tried it on last night. Fits like a glove."
Kurt rolled his eyes.
Kurt says to Blaine "Don't tell me. You danced around your room in it."
Blaine says to Kurt "What makes you think I did that?"
Blaine raising an eyebrow.
Kurt says to Blaine "You have this weird- I wouldn't call it an obsession- a weird thing about dancing around your room. Sometimes I think you don't even know you are doing it."
Blaine says to Kurt "I do?"
Emma nodded.
Emma says to Will "Kurt and Rachel wanted to stage an intervention for you."
Will says to Shannon,Emma,Kurt and Blaine "Here's our seats, guys,"
Will said as he motioned toward a row.
Blaine says to Kurt "I do?"
Blaine asked again, this time with emphasis.
Beiste looked at Blaine.
Shannon says to Blaine "For Pete's sake, even I thought you had a problem."
Everyone squeezed into the row and took their seats as the feedback from the intercom filled the theater.
The announcer says to everyone "Ladies and gentlemen,Please give it up for our celebrity emcee, local legend and Tony award winning Broadway star, April Rhodes!"
The audience burst into applause.
Archie Carmichael entered the theater, flanked by his best friend and right hand man, Aaron Broadbent. Aaron was a lot like Archie, but much meaner.Archie put his hands in the pocket of his leather jacket. He looked around for a couple of free seats and found some near the front row.
Archie says to Aaron "Let's go."
Aaron nodded and followed.
Aaron says to Archie "So, what are we doing here?"
Archie says to Aaron "We're here to support James and check out the potential competition, just as Jesse asked us to do."
Aaron says to Archie "Seems like a waste of time."
Archie says to Aaron "Shut up."
Archie said as he took his seat.
The curtain rose and April Rhodes walked center stage as the audience applauded.
April says to everyone "Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. I assure you I'm sober tonight."
April said with a smile.
The audience laughed.
April says to everyone "I am so happy to be your celebrity emcee for the 2015 Sectionals Competition. Please, welcome our celebrity judges tonight. Local anchorman, Rod Remington. Former stripper and Carmelite nun, Sister Mary Constance. And last but not least, Lima mayor, Patrick Lundberg!"
All three stood up and bowed as the audience applauded.
April says to everyone "Now, put your hands together for our first competitors, from The Holy Name of the Mother Academy, The Holy Rollers!"
Chastity Vega and the all-female Holy Rollers walked onstage, dressed in white baby dolls dresses with red belts. Chastity walked center stage. She looked out into the audience at Hallie, shooting her a menacing glare.
"All Around Me" by Flyleaf began to play as the lights went down. Chastity bowed her head and stood motionlessly.

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