Young Forever

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Friday 4th March 2017
Jughead's Voiceover
So here's what you missed on Glee: The Next Generation:So last week, we found out that Miles stepdad is a total jerk. It turns out that he is the reason behind Miles scar, not a car crash like Miles has told everyone for years now. Miles snuck out to meet with Hallie and James for advice, because you know, James was beat up and thrown out by his dad and Hallie was raped and left with twins. Speaking of which, Chris is out of Hallie's life for good now, but not until Hallie got the upper-hand by telling him off in song. Lana finally came clean about her relationship with Ana so now Lana can't spend as much time with Hallie or her mom will start to suspect something. Jaxon went to his first NYADA mixer and ran into his ex-boyfriend, McKenzie. Turns out they have amazing duet chemistry. It's probably a good thing that James doesn't know about him just yet. Now Miles is living his frenemy Evan because he left home and Miles and Hallie are actually becoming friends.
And that's what you missed on Glee!
In School Hallway

As Miles stood at his locker, putting up his Chemistry book,Miles saw Lana approach him out of the corner of his eye

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As Miles stood at his locker, putting up his Chemistry book,Miles saw Lana approach him out of the corner of his eye. Miles shut his locker and smiled at Lana.
Miles says to Lana "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
Lana hung her head down.
Lana says to Miles "Actually I wanted to apologize for the other night. I know that what I said about how my life isn't easier came off sounding selfish and rude. I was just upset that you would go to Hallie and James over me and Jaxon when we're your two best friends. In my explanation of how we'd understand what you were going through, I came off insensitive. I'm so sorry."
Miles smiled.
Miles says to Lana "It's okay, Boo Bear."
Lana blushed.
Lana says to Miles "Never call me that again."
Miles laughed as he put his arms around Lana and hugged Lana.
Miles says to Lana "Deal."
Lana says to Miles "How are things with Evan? Enjoying living with your longtime frenemy?"
Miles says to Lana "It's a lot better than I thought it would be.His mom and dad are really nice and they've made me feel right at home."
Lana says to Miles "I'm glad. So what about your dad?"
Miles says to Lana "I get a couple phone calls every night from my mom, begging me to come home. But my stepdad refuses to admit that he's done anything wrong. So, as hard as it was, I told my mom until he got help. I wouldn't come back."
Lana says to Miles "That has to be hard for both you and your mom."
Lana said as she linked her arm through Miles and they started down the hall toward the choir room.
Miles says to Lana "Yeah, but I'm thinking about what you guys said,I have to start living for me."
Lana says to Miles "Yeah,It's important. We can't spend all our lives trying to impress people. As soon as I turn eighteen, I'm gone too. And by the way, I kind of secretly like when you call me Boo Bear."
Miles smiled at Lana as they walked into the choir room and took their respective seats among their friends.
In the Choir room

In the Choir room

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