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Friday 25th August 2016
Jughead's Voiceover
So here's what you missed on Glee: The Next Generation:India tried to blackmail Lana over kissing Hallie, but Lana wasn't having that. She came clean to Bella about it and Bella seemed mad, but not too much. She's been feeling guilty for how she treated Hallie. Hallie even pretty much told Bella she hasn't been a great girlfriend lately...and that she didn't see fireworks when they kissed. India's back to her mean self, trying to reassert her Queen Bee and HBIC status and it's working. But's she's loosing Hallie as a friend by trying to push her toward Bella and she quit New Directions for the Femme Fatale to sabotage Lana's attempts to get to Hallie. Now it seems like the only friend she has left is Nicole. Who would have thought that? Evan and Lucas are totally a couple now since Evan asked Lucas out, but Evan has yet to come out to his parents. Also, James is going through an identity crisis and thinks he should be a bad boy, but Jaxon isn't too happy about it.And that's what you missed on Glee
In the choir room

There was silence in the choir room as every stunned face looked at the doorway

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There was silence in the choir room as every stunned face looked at the doorway.
Rose says to the glee club "I halfway expect her to come back."
Rose said, breaking the silence.
Hallie says to the glee club "India is not coming back,She's left us. She's too proud to come crawling back."
Jaxon says to the glee club "What the hell is wrong with her lately? All that progress she made since last Christmas, gone."
Miles says to the glee club "Who cares?. Not me. Not after what she did."
Will says to the glee club "Guys, no matter what has happened, India is still one of us."
Nicole says to the glee club "The good India is still inside her,But without her popularity, she's lost. She's trying to get it back the only way she knows how."
Lana says to the glee "This has nothing to do with that,She's after me. She joins the Femme Fatales, she's closer to me. Apparently, she'd throw you all under the bus to get at me."
Bella says to Lana "I'd like to throw you under the bus."
Will yells at Bella "Bella! Stop it!"
Will says to Bella "Member of the Femme Fatales or not, Lana is one of us."
Bella says to Lana "Well, maybe she could act like one of us, Instead of forming alliances to take other people down and then turn on her own partner by macking on her girlfriend. And how about when you slushied India, huh?"
Lana says to Bella "I stand by what I did, India was bullying someone. I just gave her a taste of her own medicine."
Will shouted at the glee club "That's enough with the anger and hostility! I am sick of the constant infighting in this Glee Club. Starting tomorrow, you have a new assignment and it doesn't involve music. You're all gonna have one week to do something nice and selfless for another person in this room. That goes for you Femme Fatales, too. I'm having a talk with Sue and I'm sure she will agree."
Kevin says to Will "Like what are we supposed to do?"
Will says to the glee club "Spend time with another member you might not give the time of day. Get to know them and figure out something that you could do for them that is nice, selfless, and will benefit them. Then, do it. You don't do that, you're out of New Directions. I'm tired of this war you have going on between one another. One way or another, it ends."
India's Voiceover
Lana Addison. That name pisses me off so much. It was one thing to come into this school, acting like she runs it. It was another thing to mess with Hallie's relationship with Bella. But when she threw that slushie in my face, she made an enemy.India Wilson does not play nice. I seek and destroy. And what better way to do that than to ruin all her chances with Hallie? Of course that meant I had to become a Femme Fatale. That, I could handle.I would get inside the belly of the beast and destroy her from within. First, I would ruin her chances with Hallie. Then, I would cause the Femme Fatales to lose Sectionals and make it look like Lana sabotaged them on purpose. I would rejoin New Directions as a hero and they wouldn't dare let in Lana, the girl who sabotaged Sectionals to get back into the same Glee Club as her crush.Then, maybe Lana would go back where she came from.
India smiled mischievously as she stepped into Sue's office.
Sue says to India "Good afternoon, Zimbabwe."
India says to Sue "I quit New Directions. I want to join the Femme Fatales."
Sue lowered her reading glasses and studied India for a moment. She slid them back up and sat up straight.
Sue says to India "Welcome aboard."
India smiled from ear to ear as she walked out of Sue's office.
In school hallway

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